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Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone International Ministries and HWAM—Headstone Women’s Apostolic Network. Faith is an apostolic, prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the Body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. She carries key insights into the profound significance of Israel’s place in the purposes of God for the time of the summing up of all things in Christ. She models a life that inspires others to live undistracted and rigorously devoted to passionately pursuing Christ. Faith is an international speaker, and through her ministry and work in South America, she has garnered enduring relationships with pastors and leaders, united in passion for truth that is the foundation of revival. Some of her books are also available in Spanish. Website:

2022 is The Breaker Year! – A Word by Faith Marie Baczko

Faith Marie Baczko


As the move of God in 1994 brought a great release and understanding of the Breaker anointing, 2022 will be characterized as the beginning of another Breaker year, and a season where we will see the Kingdom of God break into planet Earth, break God’s people out of captivity and restriction, and break out and through them to end decades of demonic control. This will usher in a time of great conflict on Earth. The release of the Breaker anointing in 1944a warfare anointing, was intended by God to arm, mobilize and equip a people for the spiritual battles of this era.

When God says we have not walked this way before—we have not walked this way before! God is doing a new thing and a new path is now forming before those who have picked up their cross and are choosing to follow Him. God is now calling a people to be free from every ungodly soul tie, disentangled from every worldly constraint,  to become fully consecrated and set apart unto Him for His purposes in this historic hour.

June 20th: “Be still in My Presence. Take off your shoes Joshua, the ground is holy as I am here to now lead the way ahead. Do not presume to think you have full knowledge as I am giving one step at a time, one strategy at a time. As you are faithful in the one-step, I will give you another. If I give you 2 steps, you will take four or six. Therefore, I will give only one. Be obedient to the one.

I have the ability and the power to get you where you need to be. Trust me that I will get you there. All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together and forming a notable and impressive picture. The enemy trembles in fear of the expectation of My movements. He lives in fear of the fullness of My presence and stature in you—of you being filled in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the attacks on the earth are now fierce. When I’m about to move they panic. Angels are in attendance girded and ready for dispatch. You be girded and ready for dispatch and for empowerment. Learn to move with them.

Embrace the walk of full consecration in fear and trembling, and in the fear of the Lord, as Paul did, and your anointing will increase! You will see and move in great and mighty things you have not known. Don’t try to be what you are not—know your sphere of accountability and authority. All must look to me, all must surrender to my Will and authority. For your protection and safety, arrogance and compromise will be quickly and swiftly disciplined in the days ahead. I have come to build My House. I have come to lead My Army. Hear the sound of the Trumpet and fall in line quickly.”

June 30th: I heard the Lord say, “2022 is the Breaker Year. You will expand to the left and to the right as you mount up with the wings of Eagles. I am calling you to spread out and to cover. Cover my purposes in the power of the anointing that’s upon your life. The Kingdom of heaven is expanding into the earth. Lives will be awakened to the knowledge of God. The Anointed One is here. The One who covers. Do not fear My people, I am spreading My great wings over you. My purposes in you are protected.

Leaders, be bold and open your mouth. Do not compromise with the world, take your stand on the side of righteousness. Come to me with all your needs and you will see my power move on your behalf. stir up the gift that is in you, stir up the fire and the passion for My Glory. Do not be lukewarm in this hour. Be hot for My Presence and dare to speak My word.

Ask now the Father for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and of Power. You have need of it. I am sending the anointing of the fierceness of the Lion upon my people to take back what has been lost. Let faith arise to begin to see the possibilities and watch as the seemingly impossible begins to manifest in your life and in your sphere as demonic strongholds fall and crumble. Always remember My promise to you is yes and amen.

Falling, falling, falling, demonic strongholds are falling. Prayer eruption is occurring in the earth bubbling up from the ground, causing strongholds to fall. I am moving in the earth. Watch me! Watch and see what I will do! Be in awe of the moving of My Mighty Hand.”



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