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Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and also served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions traveling over 16 nations.  She has served the body of Christ as a 700 Club Counselor, Theophostics Counselor, Chaplain, Pastor, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper. She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor, Seer, and Blogger.

5783 / 2023 Behold the Light of the World – A Word by Sandi Holman

Sandi Holman

Email: [email protected]

I say, Behold, the Lamb of God! I am the light of the world, and I am shining the Light in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it. Out of the heavens I have sent my voice to discipline you and give space for repentance. Now you shall witness the fire of the Father’s love who steps in to correct and judge evil.

Watch and wait for the Great Divide! The Great Reveal is stripping away all that has been covered up and hidden in darkness. Though it is not visible to all, it is beginning to happen now. I am separating my remnant bride, who are in the world, but not of the world. They are being gathered together and separated to unify, as each one comes into their true identity in me, says the Lord.

The evil, man-made patterns of legalism, control and greed that have been fueled by pride and the love of money are being broken. Freedom, liberty, order, grace, mercy and abundance shall be widespread and become known in ways never before seen or even dreamed of. I am the God of all creation. In the twinkling of an eye, I can bring a heart-change that produces a Great Awakening!

A BIG WAVE of COURAGE and STRENGTH is washing over those whose hearts have skipped a beat and fainted in weakness and fear. This wave shall release a renewed expectancy to their hearts of hopelessness, for I am enlarging their perspective and their hearts to embrace their destinies. They shall finish their race as they run with purpose to build the Kingdom.

So Behold the SUDDENLIES! What you thought would never happen is about to come full circle and meet you at your next turn. What you thought would never end is turning into a new beginning. What you called a delay I called a short detour and a crossroads that brings you to a dead end of the long and winding, bumpy road of despair and dead dreams. What you encountered in the detour I provided for a set up. It is all coming together and forming the big picture entitled Journey of Truth and Freedom. Light is dispelling darkness in every area. What you have let shrivel up, dry up and die, watch as I AM about to open the floodgates of heaven and pour out living water that leads to total resurrection life.

What you labeled empty dreams, I counted as your seed, says the Multiplier of dreams.

I am pouring out deeper revelation and prophetic understanding in this new era of revealing. I am opening the eyes of understanding that is bringing to birth a new enlarged vision, says the Creator. Many who have yielded to the Spirit and cried out for a vision shall receive a divine visitation that will bring forth reality and awakening of the fullness of time and season. I am calling out the chosen ones to higher places and deeper levels of equipping as I send the roar of the Lion of Judah to the heart worshipers to come up higher. Many who have lost their voice in the last season of turmoil shall begin to sing again and also receive a Holy Boldness. They shall shout with liberty and freedom that will change the atmosphere. Even the ground shall shake and tremble as the spirit of humility and honor brings true holiness to hearts who have partaken in unholy practices and dishonor, says the Father.

Mark my WORDS! You are MARKED for such a time as this. What you only thought was a small beginning shall produce fulfillment you once thought of as only a ‘field of dreams’.

Davidic Worshippers are arising with great hope in their hearts. They are being filled afresh with songs of love and deliverance to feed the multitudes that are ready to return to their first love with their WHOLE HEART. Yes, Prodigals and NEWBIES alike shall receive a new song in their heart as they behold my face and see my HEART.

Healing is coming to the remnant bride as she is returning to the heart of worship and a complete revelation of truth….”IT’S ALL ABOUT HIM!”

The older shall take their places and teach the younger. They are receiving a new mindset to unite with with the new generation with complete abandonment. I am sending Judah first, and they too are getting the picture that the fields are white unto harvest. Where they once exclaimed, ‘It’s a jungle out there, I am finished,’ they are now hearing me whisper, ‘You are an Eagle and you have faithfully waited on me. I am now positioning you to SOAR high above the earthly turmoil.’

SUDDEN EXPANSION is on the grid. My hand has stretched your vision, my love has tested your hearts, and my grace has challenged your mixed emotional actions. But I am moving you forward to be at the right place at the right time to be enabled to do the right thing that will bring forth the right results. I am putting you in position for a huge transition. Many will relocate to a new place, but some will return to the place they received their calling. However, all will be placed in places they never dreamed they would be.

The MAGNITUDE of SUDDENLIES will be seen in a new light. It will cause many to understand the magnitude of I AM the I AM, for I AM a MAGNIFICENT Creator.

Have you ever noticed the BRIGHT LIGHT that comes when the TRUTH is spoken in LOVE?

The Lord has been enhancing my Revelation in the last week or so to see deeper and have greater understanding of a word of knowledge along with a quick clear perception of where someone is coming from as well as where they are out of alignment.

I was totally stunned when the Lord recently said to me, “I am the Truth and I am the BRIGHT LIGHT that comes when someone suddenly ‘sees the light’ and is delivered from the darkness of deception. I am saying to my people who have been speaking judgment and calling it revelation and discernment, may your love overflow more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, says the Lord.

I desire for my children to operate out of principle and speak my word but in this moment, I am calling them to learn to live out of my presence only for everything that lies before you will flow from my presence and your recognition of my presence in you, says the Lord. It is the now time for you to discover what I placed in you in this last season when you were experiencing many times of my silence, says the Lord. I am shining my light into your heart that you might discover what I have deposited in you for such a time as this !

It is my desire that my chosen people seek to have a heart that does not condemn others but always check their own heart before they speak and crucify their sudden instinct to judge, advises the Just Judge. I am gathering my remnant bride unto myself. I am calling out, ‘COME unto me, come into my Presence for I long to shine my light brightly into your hearts and fill them with the unconditional love and peace that you are longing for, says the Father.

I am calling to my chosen ones to come up higher for I am the Bridegroom and I have many things to share with my bride. I am longing to give you clarity of vision for this new day.

So open your heart and open your ears as you come into my presence for all false discernment will be eliminated when you begin to abound wholly in my love. You are being called up to live under an open heaven.

You shall experience many new alignments and many ‘suddenlies’ in the next few months that will confirm and precede your fresh new assignments. You have been prepared for a life of compassion that reflects my love and peace to a lost and dying world. My love is the only weapon that will pierce a hard heart and I say to you, the weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty. Beloved, my unconditional love will never fail.

Philippians 1:9 TPT “I continue to pray for your love to grow and increase beyond measure, bringing you into the rich revelation of spiritual insight in all things.”

I am calling my church out of carnality to carry my presence into a world of corruption. What people all over the world speak of as SUPERNATURAL will become realized as NATURAL. For the MIRACLE Maker is making a grand entrance, staging and creating what is missing. He is changing the scenery of broken dreams and unfulfilled promises.

Get ready, get ready, get ready, and open up the gates for the King of Glory to come into your hearts, your families, your cities, and your countries, says the KING OF GLORY.

John 1:29 ESV “Behold, the Lamb of God – The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

Psalm 18:28 NKJV “For You will light my lamp; The LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.”

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