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Kathi Pelton

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I was taken into a vision where I saw angels standing around a table and they were intently looking down at it. I couldn’t see what they were looking at because they fully encircled this large table. Every few minutes one angel would make a sudden movement which would cause all the angels to shout out in joy. Then they would return to looking intently at whatever was on the table once again. Finally I was taken over the table and was able to see what they were doing. I saw a massive jigsaw puzzle that had faces, places, destinations and promises being revealed as the missing pieces were found and then joined together. Each time an angel found a missing piece and linked it into the proper place it would release a “kairos” moment in time on earth and all the angels would shout out for joy. Then they would return to looking for the next missing piece.

We are in a time where “missing pieces” in lives will suddenly come together that releases a “kairos moment” bringing you into new places (destinations), new relationships (connections), new assignments and promises (desires) fulfilled. They will often look very different then you planned or expected.

The missing pieces are very strategic for fulfilling personal and corporate destinies. We are truly in a kairos moments where the movements of pieces (people, places, purposes) is being done with heavenly timing and strategy. This particular puzzle that I saw angels working so intently on is a picture of a strategic blueprint being put together for lives and nations that will align earthly things with heavenly things. This is a “now” puzzle being assembled for establishing heavenly mandates and purposes. It was hidden from the eyes of men to protect the great impact it will have upon the earth.

There are and will continue to be many pieces moved from one place to another so that they are fit into the proper place to bring forth what the Lord is doing across the earth. These movements and joined pieces (lives) will cause a “coming together of purposes.” Many will find themselves in places they never expected to be and with people that they did not expect to be joined to. These are divinely strategic moves and relationships that will reveal a full picture where there has been missing pieces that stopped forward movement.

When you find yourself in an unexpected place or with an unexpected person or group of people, be sure to pay close attention and invite the Lord to reveal if you are in a kairos moment. That new relationship may be the missing piece in the puzzle of your life. That new location may be the place that the seeds you’ve sown suddenly will bear fruit.

It is time to expect the unexpected!! Don’t be thrown off by the sudden reordering of your steps because God is ordering His people’s steps to place them into His divine storyline and picture that will establish His Kingdom. Many plans that have been made will be intercepted and interrupted by the reordering of steps. The plans were hidden from you because they needed to be protected due to the strategic nature that they carry. They will surprise you but they will also catch the “enemy off guard” because he thought you were going one direction and without warning you will be somewhere that he was completely unaware of causing many victories to be won because it was hidden.

Be quick to let go of plans made and even to release those that you made plans with. Know that it is for good and not for evil! It is part of the moving of missing pieces that will establish great victories. Bless the movements of people and receive the new plans because they are divine blueprints. Do not misinterpret these sudden and unexpected moves because that will cause divisions. Do not try to understand that which is not comprehended by human understanding. God’s ways are not our ways!

This is a time to be flexible, humble and to not be offended at the sudden change of plans. Understand that things have been hidden because of the greatness of the impact they will have. The unexpected steps or plans are better then what you originally had planned. Trust the Lord!

“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9