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Candace is a wife, mother to 5, pastor, and counselor. She has personally walked through tremendous trials, abuse, and loss. She carries the overcoming anointing and imparts and teaches it to others all across the world through her preaching, and counseling ministry. Her and her husband’s heart are to see families healed and restored. They are pioneering a healing ministry which includes wildernesses retreats, healing nights and much more.

From Mourning To Joy, A New Day Is Here – A Word by Candace Roberts

Candace Roberts

Email: [email protected]

Though the night has been long and arduous, the dawn of a new day is now breaking. As you rise, the dew of the morning is falling upon your face. I see you rising with the sun, standing and letting its warmth surround you. You are able to finally take a breath of the cool day break and release all that has kept you bound and in turmoil.

The night is supposed to be a place of rest, but it has not been so for you. However, I declare and decree that even though there was much weeping and mourning, you are coming out of your night season; not only renewed and refreshed but with a strength, anointing and oil that could have only been forged in that dark place. 

You trusted him to catch you and carry and you when you first took that leap and said yes, and He did. Through it all, He kept you and provided everything you needed to sustain you through that night season. Now, He’s asking you to leap again, and this time the breath of His word will be the wind beneath your wings that allows you to soar. Every word, every promise He has spoken over you is about to blow through your life like a mighty wind; propelling you forth into your God ordained destiny, not just to survive, but to thrive!

Your season has shifted and joy has overtaken the morning. The night season is long gone into the shadows of the past, and your face is set like flint to the warmth of the sun and coolness of the dew. Here in this new place, there is comfort, restoration and promises fulfilled.

Here you are rested. You have awoken from the long battle and can be filled with hope. Delay no longer rules. Here, is the place on the shore where you catch your breath and the wind. When you do, you will soar! You are not constantly bombarded by the waves. In that place, you allowed His breath to become yours. You had no other choice, and now his breath not only sustains you, it propels you. You are coming up out of the water like a mighty eagle ready to take flight.

This is a new place. You may have to remind yourself, over and over again until you know and believe it deep within. Get ready, you can only take flight once you have taken the leap off the cliff. The cliff of fear; fear of the past, fear of disappointment, fear of being taken into the night again, fear of all that has become so familiar. God says get familiar with this new place, everything looks different up here. It’s a new atmosphere, a whole new perspective the very air you breath is different.

This IS the new place, the new season. Every promise you have been holding onto has been released in His perfect timing. He has been faithful to hold you through it, now he is carrying you above it. It His delight to watch you soar! He made you for this, and everything you have gone through. Every season, every tear, every long night hour now has purpose. Where the world once looked at you and saw pain, now they see the mighty warrior that was forged in the night fire of surrender taking their rightful place of victory and authority.

Don’t miss the dawning of this new day, my friend. It cannot be taken from you, only surrendered. Don’t wait too long to leap, the morning is waiting for you. It may take you to acclimate and realize the night has shifted into day. All you have to do is step in!

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

“There is time and a season for everything. A time to give birth and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to uproot. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a to build. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance.”

Psalms 30:5

“Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.”

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