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Harmony Vuycankiat loves Jesus more than anything else. She is a worship leader and prophetic writer who longs to live a laid down life of surrender by devoting her time and talents to the Lord. She is married to a wonderful military man, Eric, and together they have four beautiful children. She believes that we are living in the “Greater Things” era where signs and wonders follow those who believe in Jesus! She wants her life to bring God glory and desires justice for the oppressed and freedom for all who live in bondage. Currently she and her family reside in South Korea. Website:


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A Dream to Encourage the Wayward Sons and Daughters God Wants to Heal You! – A Word by


Harmony Vuycankiat


Harmony Vuycankiat

Email: [email protected]


I had a dream a few nights ago that I believe the Lord wants me to share with the body of Christ. In the dream, I am outdoors in the early morning hours and I see a group of military guys stumbling around like they had just come from a night of drinking. They were all laughing at their inebriation and soon found some park benches to go sit down on for a minute. All of a sudden, one of the stumbling men starts saying that he can’t see! The group of guys laugh and even the man who is saying that he is blind just snickers and acts like it is normal. I am observing all of this from the other side of the street so I come up to the man and ask him if he is blind. He says, “Yes, it happens whenever I pass out. When I wake up, I am temporarily blind.” I asked the group, “Has anyone called an ambulance?” They nod that they have but I could feel the Holy Spirit prompting me to pray for this man and not just sit around and wait for the ambulance to come. I say, “I believe God is telling me to pray for you to be able to see.” I put my hands on his eyes and prayed for the root of his blindness to be revealed so that healing could come to the man. It was a simple, straightforward prayer. I then asked the man if he could see and he said, “I can see a little but it’s all blurry.” Then I said, “Okay, in 10 minutes I am going to come back over here and ask if you can see yet. If you can’t, we will pray again.” Then I woke up. 


Let’s break down what I believe the Lord is saying to the church in this dream. First, normalizing sin always hinders us from seeing correctly. These men were in the military. This represents being in the army of God. They weren’t taking their job as soldiers seriously and allowed the fun that this world offers to distract them from their purpose. They weren’t fit for service because the works done in the darkness prevented them from being alert for the works they were supposed to do during the day. 


1 Peter 5:8- “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”


This is a call to action, church. We must be awake at all times so that we can resist the enemy’s efforts to distract us from fighting the good fight of faith. (1 Timothy 6:12) If we allow the ways of the world to seep into our souls and call it “normal”, we empower the enemy and give him a foothold in our lives. Our vision is then impaired because the darkness has cloaked our sight. We accept this way of seeing as part of living in this fallen world but that is a lie from the enemy! The Word of God says to be IN the world but not OF it. 


Ephesians 4:27- “…and give no opportunity to the devil.”


Second, the man who was temporarily blind knew that it was a consequence of his reckless behavior yet felt no remorse about it. He just accepted the blindness because he knew that the damage was temporary. Wow- this is a really scary place to be as a believer, friends. If our sin no longer brings us to a place of repentance then we must question the validity of our relationship with the Lord. If we sin and just live with the consequences without any conviction we have totally lost sight of what the Lord has done for us! 


Isaiah 29:13- “Therefore the Lord said: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is but rules taught by men.'”


Lip Service doesn’t please the Lord. Going to church on Sunday because you were told that’s what good Christians do but ignoring Jesus the rest of the week- this is lukewarm Christianity. (Revelation 3:16) We must understand that God wants our hearts! He loved us first (1 John 4:19) and this truth should so move us that we don’t want to do anything that could grieve his heart. It’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4) and when we do repent we glorify the Son which causes those around us to desire a relationship with him! Personal transformation always leads to corporate transformation! 


Third, believing that our consequences from sin are temporary lead to a cheap grace mentality. The men in the dream all believed that the blind guy’s sight would naturally be restored because it had been before. God delights in showing mercy! But the thing is, this belief set them up for a downfall because it led them to engage in reckless behavior knowing full well that it would lead to their ineptitude and blindness. Grace isn’t a license to sin. It’s an empowerment not to. When we truly understand the price that Jesus paid to give us eternal life, we see grace rightly- as a costly gift to be stewarded and guarded well. Jesus’ sacrifice cost him everything. How much more should we live a life of honor and gratitude to him by living as children of the light instead of practicing deeds of darkness. (Ephesians 5:8) May we embrace grace fully by living lives of obedience that flows out of a deep love for Jesus. 


Lastly, healing is available to all, even if you’ve backslidden and lost sight of who you are in Christ. God loves you! He died so that you could be whole in your spirit, soul and body. The world’s ways (the ambulance) of addressing your damaged sight won’t bring lasting healing. But God’s ways are higher than man’s ways, amen? And he wants to heal us if only we will let him. In the dream when I prayed for the blind man to be healed, I felt led to speak to the root of his blindness because I knew that a lie was the cause. Church, when sin has become a stronghold in our lives, we must uproot the lie that caused the blindness before healing can take place. The truth always sets us free! But many times, healing is a process. The man got some of his vision back after we prayed at first but I was willing to pray with him again if he didn’t get all of it back right away. This is how we must be: persistent in pursuing our healing and patient as the Lord reveals what has gotten in the way of our wholeness. The number 10 represents law and order. When we disregard the law by living lawlessly, it’s because we don’t fully understand God’s grace. This revelation brings healing but requires time because our minds must be divinely reset. 


If this dream resonates with you, just claim the promises of God over your life and repent of allowing the lies of the enemy to distort your vision. Ask the Lord what lies you have been believing that have contributed to worldly behavior. The love of God covers a multitude of sins but we have to believe it, receive it, and apply it to our lives. And when we do, we shine bright and God can trust us to fulfill his plans on the earth so that all may come to know him! Isn’t he good!? 


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