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Elaine is the proverbial gal next door, down to earth, but heavenly minded. She is married to her best friend, Jonathan, and they live in rural Pennsylvania. First and foremost, Elaine rests in and enjoys her position as a daughter of the Most High God! She is also a prophetic voice, servant-leader, and teacher in the Body of Christ and her heart is to see people understand their identity in Christ and to mature as the sons and daughters of God.

A Womb with a View. – A Word by Elaine Rice

Elaine Rice

Email: [email protected]

Recently the Lord reminded me of a trip to Niagara Falls as young girl. While the Falls are magnificent, I was reminded of the Skylon Tower’s “Yellow Bug” or the yellow elevator that would take passengers to the top of the tower in less than a minute. The elevator was glass or see-through facing outward and the view was impressive. I remember feeling a bit overwhelmed at the “see through” elevator and experiencing a little apprehension.

(You can read about the Skylon Tower at or search for “Yellow bug elevator images” to see a photo of it.)

After a bit of strolling down Memory Lane I asked the Lord why He was showing me this particular memory and what was He trying to communicate to me. It was an interesting conversation, but the bottom line, I believe, is a word for those who are pregnant with a promise from God.

The Lord Himself has planted seeds in the form of prophetic words, dreams, and visions and many in the Body of Christ have been carrying these seeds for decades. These encounters with God may have only taken Him a minute or moment in time to download into your spirit (like the ride to the top of the tower), but it may take decades in the making before it comes to pass. In the natural it may look dead or forgotten or even impossible.

I believe the Lord is saying He has given visionaries, pioneers, trailblazers, reformers, trendsetters, and dreamers all a “womb with a view” just like the Yellow Bug. He has taken you up to heavenly places and planted a view of what is to come into your heart.

He had to bring each one back down to earth or ground level to build a good foundation – the wilderness, transition, preparation season, whatever you desire to label it. The purification seasons of the refiner’s fire and there were (and are) multiple seasons of being refined.

As I was pondering this I reached for my Amplified Bible and opened to Psalm 66 and was excited to see verses 10-12:

10 “For You, O God, have proved us; You have tried us as silver is tried, refined, and purified.”

11 “You brought us into the net (the prison fortress, the dungeon); You laid a heavy burden upon our loins.”

12 “You caused men to ride over our heads [when we were prostrate]; we went through fire and through water, but You brought us out into a broad, moist place [to abundance and refreshment and the open air].”

I believe many are on the threshold of the second part of verse 12 – Almighty God is bringing you out into a broad place – the birthing of the visions, dreams, and prophetic words. He’s sending in the co-laborers and finances and every provision needed to fulfill the promise. The lean years are over, and you are coming into a wealthy place of abundance and refreshment.

The womb with a view is about to become an open air view and reality! Victory is on the horizon!

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