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Our Hearts are to Raise up a generation of sons and daughters who reflect King Jesus. We see a world where God’s sons and daughters are awakened to the truth of who they are in Christ establishing the Kingdom of heaven here on the earth. Our desire is to see God’s people permeate the earth with the glory of Jesus. Nate and Christy’s full bio can be found at

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A Word For Today – A Word by Nate Johnston

Nate Johnston


I have a word for those who have been in the tension of the FIGHT & the advancing FORWARD.

Everything inside of you has known that this year God has wanted to create and build something new through you but the fight has been unrelenting at your doorstep.

There have been endless fires to constantly put out, warfare to counteract, and tedious circumstances to untangle.

This has been a season of fighting so many giants that it’s felt like you haven’t advanced at all.

The noise has felt so loud and the mental bombardment so thick that it has been a battle to keep standing.

You have spent all your energy just trying to keep your head above water that you haven’t had the capacity to create or build like you thought you would have this year.

And you’ve seen the old manna running out, the oil jar running low, and the the fire beginning to die down.

You have been in PROTECT mode and unable to give the time you need to PRODUCE like you need to.

You have felt the urgency of the hour to prepare and build the infrastructure for the next few years but so far haven’t been able to.

But I heard the Lord speak over you “Now watch as I use the BATTLE to bring about the BIRTH!”

“Watch now as I clear away the confusion, creative-block, and the debris that has surrounded you and give you fresh vision.”

“Watch as I hand you the new mission papers and tear up the contracts sent against you.”

“Watch in the next two months as I take you out of the fight and into a time of dreaming with me for the road ahead.”

As the Lord said this I saw veils being removed from peoples heads like they had been shrouded from being able to see ahead. Now the clarity comes. Now the delay breaks.

You will NOT have that messy situation hanging over your head in this new beginning.

No, you will NOT be robbed from the joy of this new venture and advancement. God is clearing your path! He is breaking down doors and what looks impossible. He is turning the hearts of kings on your behalf.

There is a divine CLOSURE taking place for you. Where the DISTRACTIONS came to steal your gaze, God is shutting their door of access.

Now watch for a surge of revelation and creative power.

The songs that need to come forth… COME in Jesus name!

The books that need to be written… COME in Jesus name!

The movements that need to begin.. COME in Jesus name!

This will be your second wind and I prophesy that you will step into this creative season with none of the trauma and pain of your battle season and your joy will be FULL in the name of Jesus.

Special Note from Spirit Fuel: This platform is good soil. We are working hard everyday, full time to add more readers so they too can be blessed. If you are being led, sow into this good soil today and watch God move on your behalf! Obedience is always blessed.

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