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Today will be short. I am being led to share this with you today. I pray who the Lord has me sharing this for, actually opens the email, and reads it as He is sending you a love letter today.
Let’s remember Joseph for a second. According to Genesis chapters 37-39. After being sold into slavery and winding up in prison within the lower courts of the palace, Joseph found favor with the warden because God blessed Him in the middle of one of the most darkened times of his life. Betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused and thrown into prison.
The prison is where Joseph was granted favor and kindness from the Lord. Favor and kindness in such measure, that led to Joseph being used to be a witness for God to royalty, to spare a nation, and reintroduce the I AM as the God that saves and preserves. If you are focused on Jesus in a relentless belief that He works all things together for your good, that you’ll praise Him and give Him thanks in all things, even the dark times of life, you will be made a witness to the earth for His glory. Your LIFE will be the testimony of His goodness to everyone within reach of the light in you.
If you want to know where God is really moving on your behalf, well in my experience, He’s working most right in the middle of your deepest struggles. So, therefore, we cannot cling to discouragement in dark times, but rather give thanks in all things and let that praise bring your through. It’s a medicine for heaviness. Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Knowing what you know, no matter the circumstance, praise Him in the middle. Either He’s all good, or absolutely not. He is.
Just because you are in dark times, doesn’t mean you’re alone or even guilty of anything. Sometimes it’s just the process the Lord uses to prepare you to be a witness to the earth of The Lord, His love, His provision, His preservation. I’ve seen this mystery in my few short years on this earth, that nothing reveals God’s power like someone in need of a breakthrough, who receives it. Like the lame man at the gate who had not sinned, nor his parents, but that he was this way for the Glory of God to be made visible in the earth at such a time as this.
He’s working ESPECIALLY in your struggles right now and preparing you to be a witness of His power to those around you. It’s for your good and theirs too!
Praise Him in the middle. Show them you know that He’s good, and you are not moved by not seeing His hands move because the truth is unshakeable even by circumstance. Let the ceasing of complaining and the choosing to rejoice prooves that you trust His heart, when you cannot see His hands moving. This will give life to those around you, especially those who also cannot see His hands moving at that time.
God is with you. I repeat, GOD IS WITH YOU beloved. Be strong, be courageous, and do well with what you have in your hands to do. Don’t sit and murmur and complain. That’s sure to keep you from the power of God to deliver you. You will never have what you speak against. Let that sink in.
Be useful, asking the Lord what He would have you do. It’s in how you steward your heart in the prison that will bring you out. Posture yourself in thankfulness and watch your unfailing belief in His goodness, release His goodness in your life. GOD IS WITH YOU.
Let’s remember Paul and Silas. They stewarded their walk with The Lord by praising Him, singing songs of freedom, while in chains. And we know how that story ended. They were freed and brought others out with them!
Help isn’t on the way; it’s already within you. GOD IS WITH YOU. Believe, and praise Him for His unfailing goodness so that others who are also in the prisons of life, can see that God is unfailing even when it’s dark, it doesn’t mean they are alone!
Just because it’s dark doesn’t mean you are alone. He’s there giving you favor with men, and releasing His kindness right where you are.
To God be the glory. Amen?
I bless you in the name of Jesus – Thomas Griffin, Co-founder of Spirit Fuel
P.s. This platform is good soil. We are working hard everyday, full time to add more readers so they too can be blessed. If you are being led, sow into this good soil today and watch God move on your behalf! Obedience is always blessed.