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Sharell Barrera is an Apostolic Revivalist ,she has a burning heart for healing and transformation her passion is to see millions of souls saved and brought into the kingdom of God.

The Lord put a mandate and a call on Sharell and her husband to raise up other Revivalists through dreams and angelic encounters.

Based out of tri cities Washington, Sharell and her husband Melvin are passionately pursuing revival together with their 5 children, pastoring Eagle Mountain Revival Hub in Tri Cities, Washington. They also plant and oversee other hubs in many different states. Sharell is also an itinerant minister who is called to Churches throughout the Nations to release deliverance, healing and breakthrough over different regions. Along with being an author she also writes and sings music prophetically. Sharell also has a track record of proven prophetic words .Her desire is to release the heart of God in truth.

Her online and in person ministry has seen thousands of notable miracles. Website:

An act of God will be in the headlines breakthrough is near! – A Word by Sharell Barrera

Sharell Barrera

Email: [email protected]

On Thursday feb 17th I was given a vision of airplanes falling from the sky. Airplanes can represent several different things biblically. It can mean impending danger or death could come upon a great or prominent person. Planes can also represent ministry or freedom. As I began to ask the Father about this I heard, “a huge coverup is about to be exposed!” I will bring everything to the light. Then I heard Him say, “the time has come to let my people Go! I heard the Lord say, “YOUR  miracle will be birthed from a painful place.”

For those of you who have been in intense pain from laboring in the spirit, you have been contending, you have been believing and you have almost felt imprisoned by defeat after defeat, you have been feeling the pains of hope deferred. At times you have felt like a prisoner. I heard the Lord say, “your freedom will come suddenly!!!”
Be encouraged! Your right on the edge of immaculate breakthrough. The Holy Spirit wants you to remember this story:
In Acts 16:26

“Suddenly a great earthquake SHOOK the foundations of the PRISON ALL at once every prison door flung open and the chains of all the prisoners came loose.”

The jailor was shocked when he seen that all the prisoners were still there and he proclaimed, “What must I do to be saved?”At day break a word was sent out by the magistrate to the jailor. It read, let those two prisoners go! These men could have escaped, they could have went against the grain, but they remained faithful and trusted the Lord. Their intentions were the Father’s heart. You see they were not even concerned about their own freedom.
But they were concerned about the jailor and his families freedom they got to experience salvation because Paul and Silas stood with integrity for the right thing and because of that act of faithfulness God moved mightily on their behalf. An entire generation was saved because of these two men.

As I was reading this story I had a vision of the news and media outlets reporting that an Act of God had taken place. You see Paul and Silas had a revelation that true freedom comes from knowing the Savior.

They understood that even though they were in a hard place, in a tough situation, that the God of Jacob, Elijah and Abraham was still the same God who created all of man kind. We must remember in these hard times that no matter what we are facing there are still people who need to hear the news, the good news of a savior who loves them! We must take our eyes and put them back on Jesus and keep them there. He is fighting for you friend, He is your defender, let His peace overwhelm you right now. Let His love pour out over you. I see His hand outstretched calling you back from that place of bondage, worry, fear and torment.

I hear him saying my child don’t worry, do not set your eyes on the things of this world. For I am a God who breaks prisoners free, I set the captives free, I move on the behalf of my children. Stop questioning when and start praising me in the prison, start worshipping in the hard place. I made the headlines in the Bible days and I will continue to do great wonders for my children. Shake the shackles off and dance rejoice. For your time has come be free from man’s opinion, be free from your thoughts, be free from your worries, BE FREE!

Whom the son set free is free indeed!

John 8-36- “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Your breakthrough is your praise! Watch the prison doors fling wide open over the next three months of your life.

Sharell Barrera

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