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Aretha Cross


Aretha Cross is a wife, and a mother of two young men. Aretha is actively involved at her home church in Orlando, FL. She is a Bible study teacher, and prayer group leader. Aretha is honored to be a servant of God, and she loves to spread the Good News everywhere she goes. Her prayer is that these words of encouragement will edify the Body of Christ.

Isaiah 49:2
“He made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me a polished arrow; in His quiver He hid me away.”

Now is the time for My children to rise up in boldness and open their mouth for Me to fill it. No more hesitancy, for you are My sent ones. You are My love letter to this world. My Word coming out of your mouth is the sharp double edged sword which will pierce through the hardened hearts of men to soften, heal, deliver, and revelate them with My Truth. In the same way I caused the stone in David’s sling to perfectly hit Goliath’s head at the exact place that would instantly incapacitate him, I have designated you to be My polished arrows which will instantly hit their target and thoroughly dismantle the enemy’s camp. You have been prepared for such a time as this to disrupt and confuse the enemy’s plots against My children. I have strategically placed you right where you are; at the work place, in the market place, in the schools, in the prisons, in government, in all forms of media, and wherever you find yourself. You are not to be silent, but you are to be My living stones, the anointed ones to set the captives free. You are My ambassadors, and you have been loosed to deliver My lost ones from darkness, and command the dry bones to live! So, open your mouth, and I will fill it! Out of it shall flow rivers of living waters. The living waters flowing out of you will heal, restore, awaken, enlighten, redirect, recalibrate, and empower My children. The enemy through this world’s system is trying to muzzle you, My epistles, and prevent you from speaking My Truth. Be bold, be courageous, and be intrepid, for you are the light of this world. You are My hands extended, and My perfect love in your heart will surely cast out all fear. Love is the greatest weapon by which you will defeat the darkness around you. I am sending My hid ones from My quiver to rout the enemy and deliver My children. You’ve been given full authority, and My Holy Spirit inside of you has activated the weapons for you to fight with. They will demolish every stronghold, and liberate My children. I am unleashing My arrows to hit their mark!

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