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Crystal Wade writes to help people connect to their heavenly Father, and to keep good pictures of Him visible—through real life stories as well as through prophetic words and teachings. Crystal and her husband Stephen received a commission from the Father to connect the generations to Him and to each other so that they can Start well. Live well. Recover well. Build well. Finish well. As part of that commission, they release materials to assist people of all ages in connecting to The Perfect Parent. Website:

Build And Bless Your Happy New Year! – A Word by Crystal Wade

Crystal Wade

Email: [email protected]

A Blessed New Year to you and yours!

It’s my desire to bless the beginning of your new year, as you’re building your life and family. In that vein, I’d like to share these thoughts and true story.

A couple years ago, my husband heard a radio interview in which a man described how from Rosh Hashanah onward to the New Year (and I have felt impressed in my spirit that it reaches till the following Passover when the month count changes) with Father God, we are living in the future.

This resonated with me.

I have to stop here and say that time with our Heavenly Father is different than what we are accustomed to, such as time being measured by, and limited to, linear hours, days, schedules, and calendars. Rather, time is created out of Father’s light. His Word is light. We can re-create our time in His light by storing up His Word in our heart and pouring it out our mouth.

Back to my story: In those last couple years, by that fall appointed time (Rosh Hashanah), I’d noticed what needed to be updated in myself and my family–that place of discrepancy between what Father says in His Word and desires for us and where we were currently “living.” From there, I started writing decrees based on His Word to speak daily in my time of prayer.

I can attest to the growth. While not every single decree has been fulfilled to the utmost yet, some of the decrees I started with are now established in our lives—to the point that I have been able to move on to new decrees.

With Father, we do have the gift to change the future.

That starts with evaluating the present with its discrepancies and implementing His Word.

I must add that these decrees will be greatly accelerated by generously lacing your prayer time with prayers of forgiveness (release of bitterness and judgment) for the troubles which these shortfalls/discrepancies caused each other.

In other words, it may be a negative situation or response which caused you to realize that positive needs to be built there. Forgive: Release the pain of it to the Lord and hand the desire to get revenge to Him. Ask His forgiveness (and sometimes theirs) for any wrong responses you gave. Then, build the positive! You will be amazed how quickly things that used to take a long time, or get stuck in a negative pattern, change

To start, ask yourself these questions:

1. What do you (and your family) need?

2. Where is the discrepancy between your current existence and Father’s promises?

3. What is injuring or causing delay to you and your family?
Ideas to start:

Health? Healthy habits? Ability to remember and focus in school, work and/or life? Time multiplied and blessed to a space of grace? Debts paid? Relationships and communication healthy and whole? Vision restored?

Don’t make it hard. Just start.

May Father God establish you and yours as you build your life with Him, expand His Kingdom in and through you, and abundantly overflow you with His joy, peace and hope, causing you to know with great grace that you are on earth at this point in history for such a time as this, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen!

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