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Charissa Steffens is passionate about scripture and the prophetic. This led her to complete a Master of Arts (Biblical Studies) recently. She is a published writer and teacher. She writes regularly on her blog Abiding Matters ( and lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband and two children. 


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Call the Midwife – A Word by Charissa Steffens

Charissa Steffens

Email: [email protected]


A family member is due to give birth, in fact she is now overdue. She has had symptoms of labour starting and stopping over the last few days, yet has not progressed into the full and final stages of labour.


Praying for her, the Holy Spirit’s presence overwhelmed me, and I felt His words come to me with a sense of urgency:


Call forth the midwives, it is time for the birthing.


As He spoke, I could see a picture of many women – a multitude of women. I could see they held babies in their arms and beside them stood another woman and I knew that this woman had helped bring forth each new life, that they were the midwives.


As I began to reflect on this, I had a sense that there are many who are in their last days of a long carried pregnancy, you have been carrying a word, an unanswered prayer, a new ministry or purpose. You feel overdue, you feel uncomfortable, tired and ready to give up. It is at this point in the birthing process that the midwives arrive.


Midwives are called when it is time to deliver a child. In the Ancient Near East, it was tradition that up to 3 women would gather around the birthing woman. Two would hold her up on either side and one would receive the child as it was born. Their role was to offer strength, reassurance, wisdom, and practical skill to the birthing woman.


Hebrew midwives, like Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1:15), were women who were revered due to their righteousness and Fear of God. They defied Pharaoh, in order to obey God and protect the new born Hebrew children – children of promise and inheritance. This led to God blessing and establishing them. Exodus 1:21.


Right now there is a call, a stirring up, of the midwifes (intercessors and prayer warriors) to come alongside those who are birthing the new in the Kingdom of God. Just as Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 says “There is a time for everything.. a time to be born..” there is a season of birthing occurring and the midwives are vital. Exodus records that the Hebrews were so prolific in Egypt that they frightened their enemy. It is the same now, God is making His people fruitful and a birthing season is underway.


There is a call going out to His intercessors to position themselves into place as He is about to bring forth and establish many new things in the next year. The season of delay is over, the birthing pains are real, He is birthing the ‘babies’ that will grow up in this next decade to establish His rule.


Intercessors, find your birthing person, and fulfill your mandate to bring about the birthing. As you do this, the birthing person will go from an intermittent labour into the final stages of delivery. Your strength and wisdom is needed in this hour. There is an anointing upon you to help those who are birthing to focus and bring forth the promise. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to your position and begin to intercede for those He shows you. Answer the call.


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