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Elaine is the proverbial gal next door, down to earth, but heavenly minded. She is married to her best friend, Jonathan, and they live in rural Pennsylvania.

First and foremost, Elaine rests in and enjoys her position as a daughter of the Most High God! She is also a prophetic voice, servant-leader, and teacher in the Body of Christ and her heart is to see people understand their identity in Christ and to mature as the sons and daughters of God.

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Catch 22 – A Word by Elaine Rice

Elaine Rice

Email: [email protected]

In my prayer time this morning (January 22nd) I was reminded of a word the Lord shared with me at the beginning of the month/year (January 4, 2022).

I heard the phrase “Catch 22” and looked up the term online. According to

1. a frustrating situation in which one is trapped by contradictory regulations or


2. any illogical or paradoxical problem or situation; dilemma

3. a condition, regulation, etc., preventing the resolution of a problem or situation;


An example of a Catch 22 situation might be a requirement that you need to have experience to get a job, but in order to get experience you need a job.

I began to ask the Lord what He wanted to reveal or share about this “Catch 22” phrase.

I sensed the Lord saying that He was releasing the catch (or latch) of “Catch 22” situations that many of His sons and daughters have been caught in.

It has been a season of frustration for some who have felt trapped by conditions, situations, and events beyond their control. Some have felt stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place with no clear direction to move forward.

It’s been a wilderness season where both strengths and weaknesses have been exposed within. The victory of the revealing of strengths has been overshadowed by the revelation of the weakness within (flesh). But He says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1). He is our Victory!

What seems to have been locked will be released or unlocked by the hand of the Lord. What seems to have been stuck will now be loosened or released by the hand of the Lord.

I see that some will be plucked up out of situations with immediate results and others will be gently guided out with step-by-step instructions and a specific process to follow. Both are of the Lord.

I also sense He is asking that hands are put back on the plow again and not to look back (Luke 9:62). Begin to plow again and move forward. Do not look back.

He’s inviting you to remember the dreams you have dreamed with Him. To remember the prophetic words that have been spoken over you – to get them out and begin to

believe again. Partner with the Lord and steward those words – speak life and they will live as the Lord blows a fresh wind in your direction (Ezekiel 37).

A prayer

Father, thank You for releasing the latch of every Catch 22 situation in my life in this year of 2022. I choose to partner with You however You choose to release that catch, whether you pluck me out of a situation or guide me in Your timing. I ask You to resurrect dreams I thought were dead or stuck. I thank You for helping me to put my hand firmly on the plow and I will not look back. Thank You for the forward view in 2022! I thank You for the timing of your release for every plan and purpose You have for me. I thank You that Your grace is sufficient in every situation. And thank You, Lord, for the fresh wind! I pray all in the precious name of Jesus Christ! Amen and Amen!

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