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Lana Vawser
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The Lord showed me that there is a fierce battle that has been raging against many daughters of God right now. There is a demonic spirit that has been assigned to many daughters of God to hinder them and stop them from moving into all God has for them, especially in 2020.
I had a vision and I saw many women all across the world and they were in some of the fiercest battles that they have ever faced and they were crying out to Jesus “Lord, why is this happening? God, what is going on?”
Suddenly I heard the Lord speak:
“You are about to step into a life changing impartation from My Spirit. It is upon you right now, the impartation that you need for 2020 and beyond.”
A sense of urgency surrounded me in the spirit that now is the time for these daughters of God that are in these intense battles to not back down, do not lie down, do not sit down, do not back away. I heard the Lord say: “NOW, STRIKE THE GROUND”
The same urgency that surrounded me a few days ago when I released a prophetic word for the body of Christ titled “STRIKE THE GROUND”, surrounded me again.
I heard the Holy Spirit say:
“Mark your territory through your decree. Take a stand. Do not lie down. Stand up!!!”
I began to see a confusion in the Spirit that has come against many women in the body of Christ recently and I saw an attack coming against many and it was like a deaf and dumb spirit. It had come to hinder hearing from God, it had come to steal voice. This demonic spirit had come on assignment because there is a major shift taking place over the daughters of God where the Lord spoke “My daughters will not only find their voice again, but they will find their voice in new arenas and areas.”
The Lord began to show me many women that have been afflicted by this demonic spirit as the impartation of God falls and breaks off this assignment, they are moving into the deepest level of clarity of hearing the voice of God and seeing what He sees and carrying the wisdom of God that they have ever experienced.
I saw many women who have been assaulted by this demonic spirit as they step into freedom being handed keys of revelation from the Word of God and in prophetic dreams that represent an anointing to unlock the revelation of God in different areas and spheres of influence to see breakthrough manifest, the Kingdom extended and a move of the Spirit of God explode. The enemy has fought hard to hide the strategies of God from many daughters of God in this season because God is raising up the ESTHER’S with the STRATEGY OF HEAVEN. That confusion, that fog, that swirly, heavy, despaired feeling is being broken off in the impartation He is releasing to position many daughters of God to receive and release revelation from heaven that will bring REFORMATION.
I heard the Lord say “The Esther’s will decree My Word and nations will shake and be shaped”
The battle isn’t just over the impartation God is releasing for your family and household, it’s bigger than that. It’s for NATIONS. There’s a battle over the impartation because it is an anointing for nations.
The enemy is attempting to steal the voice of many daughters of God because this is the season and new era for them to SPEAK UP and see MIGHTY DELIVERANCE take place in the nations.
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 – ESV)
“You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.” – Job 22:28 (NKJV)
The Holy Spirit spoke again:
“You will not be silenced! Your voice will resound louder than ever! Decree a thing and it shall be established for you. Decree what I am speaking and mark out your territory in the Spirit with the Rhema Words I have given you. Strike the ground again, for a well of Amos 9:13-15 shall manifest before you suddenly.”
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.
“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel” (MSG Translation)
The rapid alignment of the Lord will manifest by His power like you have never seen before. The battle has been intense for many of you because of this life changing impartation from the Spirit of God upon you. You will step into this impartation through your decree of His Word and you will move into an era with Jesus unlike any other.
In the past seasons you have contended and decreed, contended and decreed and for many, seen little to no manifestation of His Word being fulfilled yet. You’ve been in the deepest fight of faith over the promises of God. As this impartation is released upon you, you will not only see the manifestation of His promises fulfilled from long ago and present, but as you move into this new era knowing your authority in Christ like never before, you will decree what He is saying with such conviction, faith and boldness, you will see manifestations of His Word happen in SUCH acceleration it will astound you.
The enemy has been trying to knock you out in every way from being “established” in all God has for you, but these attempts are breaking off in the impartation God is releasing and not only will you be established in the promises of God and new territory and not removed (Amos 9:15) you will move forward commissioned by God as an ESTABLISHER. One who is known to decree the Word of God, take the Lord at His Word and not compromise and every where your feet tread, you speak and decree and there will be mighty demonstrations of the establishment of His Rhema Word and in many instances in SUDDEN ACCELERATION and momentum.
Many of you have had so many promises in so many areas not come to pass (yet), but now you shall see them come to pass in rapid alignment and momentum, but also this impartation by the Spirit of God that is coming upon you, you will see as you decree what He is speaking, the same thing happen. RAPID “one after another” Amos 9:13-15 manifestation in the areas He has assigned you jurisdiction as part of your Kingdom assignment.
I heard the Holy Spirit decreeing over the daughters of God:
The impartation the Holy Spirit is releasing to run with Him in 2020 like never before, is preparing, equipping and empowering the daughters of God to do what they never imagined they could or would do with the Lord.
When the Lord spoke “2020 LIFE BEGINS AGAIN” the depths of those words are deeper than I can even describe. They heralded restoration, they heralded the greatest new beginning that has ever been experienced. They heralded repayment, they heralded a clean slate, they heralded nothing wasted, they heralded a time of joy, a life time ahead, the best days ahead, they heralded opportunity, adventure, they heralded HOPE. Hope of things not remaining as they have been, but completely changing and being completely different but the underlying sense of those words was “JOY”.
The Lord is restoring JOY to His daughters. The Lord is bringing restoration in some of the most spectacular ways that has ever been seen. Regrets melted away, disappointment broken off, heaviness removed, grief healed an invitation into a depth LIFE in a way that has not been experienced before. (John 10:10)
Daughters of God, the battle has been fierce for many of you, but don’t sit down. Stand up, speak and decree! Strike the ground again for a life changing impartation is coming upon you by the Spirit of God that will shift EVERYTHING.
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