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Candace is a wife, mother to 5, pastor, and counselor. She has personally walked through tremendous trials, abuse, and loss. She carries the overcoming anointing and imparts and teaches it to others all across the world through her preaching, and counseling ministry. Her and her husband’s heart are to see families healed and restored. They are pioneering a healing ministry which includes wildernesses retreats, healing nights and much more.

Destined For Deliverance – A Word by Candace Roberts

Candace Roberts


There is a moment of deliverance that was created from the foundations of the earth. When He created you long ago, it was for a purpose. He placed destiny within you and laid out a scroll before you.

He didn’t just count the hairs on your head, He counted each moment and held it in His hands. He already knew them all. He knew the moments that would break you, the ones you would choose to wonder far, the moments that set up lies and let the enemy in.

He knew these moments would come, so when He was fashioning you in that ancient place, writing that beautiful scroll, He formed with His own heart and hands a moment that would deliver you into the truth. Into freedom and all He created you to be. He made a way for you to step into His perfect will for your life.

That moment was created in an ancient place, for a place in the future farther than we can see. From an eternal place that holds the answers we cannot comprehend. He placed eternity within us.

There is a place where past, present, and future meet. Where time holds no value and destiny is the only currency.

Today I’m calling that place forth, for the ones I love most. I’m declaring and believing He is who He says He is. The ancient of days, the ones who holds all things, fashions all things, and is true to every word He speaks.

Begin to declare and decree your moment of deliverance that already exists will manifest! Step up in bold truth and faith. Listen and be open to how He created that moment. Do not have preconceived ideas of what it will look like. Some will be delivered in a moment, some by themselves, and some invited into a process where the right people are placed in your path.

This is your moment! A foundation that has already been laid. Your obedience will bring it forth. Lord bring us out of this earthly realm into your eternal timeline. Place us on the wheel, roll out our scrolls, Lord we surrender. Do what you do, be who you are and let us not get in the way.

Special Note from Spirit Fuel: This platform is good soil. We are working hard everyday, full time to add more readers so they too can be blessed. If you are being led, sow into this good soil today and watch God move on your behalf! Obedience is always blessed.

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