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Elizabeth is a passionate pursuer of The heart and presence of God, a loving wife to Frankie Verver, and a devoted homeschool Mom of four beautiful children from ages 11-15. Her story is one from darkness to light, depression to joy, and hopelessness to beyond hope in Him. She desires to see people from all walks of life reach their highest potential in Christ,  be completely set free, and  discover the God ordained dream He designed for them. Elizabeth speaks at conferences and Bible studies, preaching the word of God in power and boldness. Website:

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Distinguished, Consecrated hearts, and a Remnant Marked for Glory! – A Word by Elizabeth Verver

Elizabeth Verver

Your capacity has increased and you have been prepared for more. You were humbled and tried yet not forsaken. In the stretching you were proved and remained faithful to Me. Through the persecution you stood firm in truth and great is your reward. I am now revealing what my hand has been actively at work doing in and through you. What may have seemed in your natural senses to be madness, was my perfect order taking place for you. Remember, My ways are much higher than your ways. Ask me and I will show you what you are not seeing in the natural realm, much is happening in the spirit. Reach for my perspective in all things. Allow me to freely shape and align you for the new assignments I am bringing forth now. Receive the revelation of the new man in order to operate successfully in my Kingdom for this hour.
These were the words the Father spoke to me concerning the times that His children have recently walked through and endured even recently. The whisper of His heart to seek Him in regards to trials and tribulation we have all encountered in this season. God has remained Faithful. God has not changed and His promises are still ours for the taking as we enter the time of the manifestation of the true sons and daughters, a remnant prepared for His purpose and plan.

{But what of that?} For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!

For {even the whole} creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known {waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship}. ( Romans 8 :18+19 AMP)

You have not missed the mark, you are not forgotten or forsaken but rather chosen by Me. In the stretching, I have prepared you as a new wine skin. I long to fill you with new wine, but first all traces of the old will be removed. Or else, the old skin can not bear under the glorious weight of the new wine. You are my blood bought, born again children and its time to see my covenant established in you.

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the bottles destroyed; but new wine is to be put in new (fresh) wineskins. ( Mark 2:22 AMP

Because we can be unfamiliar with older practices it can be difficult to grasp the understanding of some of Jesus’s parables for us today. In Jesus’s time, people often used animal skins for storing certain liquids. Fermented drinks such as wine would expand and since an old wineskin would already be stretched to its capacity, the new wine would tear at the seams and spill out. This is why new wine would always require a new wine skin. As the wine expanded, the new wineskin would also stretch to preserve the new. We are the new wine skin Jesus is referring to.
God has been at work stretching His people as the new wineskins that will both hold and preserve the new wine being poured out in this season. You and I have been challenged to face our inadequacies apart from Christ and put on the new man in Him. Only then are we equipped to function and walk as the true children of God we are called to be. We cannot move in the old ways in this new season. Allow the Holy Spirit to stretch your capacity in order to receive more.

Therefore if any person is {ingrafted} in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation ( a new creature altogether); the old {previous moral and spiritual condition} has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! 2 Cor. 5:17 AMP

Even now as you are reading this you are grasping the revelatory truth of being made new. Today is a new day if you will believe and receive that. You will now function, move, and have your being in Him. We are one with God. We have His heart and the mind of Christ . You will see that your circumstances are not in control but rather you are, in His power and might. If the life around you does not align with who you are in Christ then decree, speak, declare, and command them to move and align with truth. The dark is not to rule and reign in your life. Stand and call the light forth, even as God did. You are made in His likeness and image. So call those things that be not and IT WILL BE!

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:3,4 NKJV

Push the darkness back. Transform the darkness to light. See what should be and call it into being! MY REMNANT IT IS TO CREATE WITH ME! Pick up your paint brush in the spirit and we will paint a BRAND NEW picture together. Where you now see darkness paint LIGHT! Where there is lack paint my ABUNDANCE! Where death is seen paint RESURRECTION LIFE! Tap into the wellsprings of POWER to display MY SPLENDOR and GLORY!  You are not powerless but MIGHTY and POWERFUL in Me! Rise up my glorious remnant it’s time for my glory to be seen and revealed!

The hour is upon you for the greatest things you have ever seen. There is no point of reference for the miracles, signs, and wonders that will be displayed through His devoted children. You are being positioned and aligned even now. Do not resist the shaping and rearranging He is actively at work doing in your life. You will be in place for the time is here. Yield to the transformation places for you. Surrender to the changes that are happening for you. Trust in the places of uncertainty and risk, for it is certain you will see God’s glory there. You are His child and not of this world so cling to Him. Go forward now! Where God has called you, He has already gone before you. Waves of glory have been building in the process of waiting and you will ride the WAVES of GLORY as you are distinguished as His people and established in your God given covenant birthright. You do not go alone for the Lord your God is with you even to the end of this time. There is much work to be done and you are the vessel in which He has chosen to accomplish good works. Your heart will swell with joy as you see God’s Faithfulness to you His beloved. It’s only just begun so arise and shine!

Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 MSG

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