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Rachel Miranda Emerson is an emerging and rising seer with a prophetic voice shaking the world. She is a prolific dreamer and a visionary pioneer for such a time as this. She desires to share the heart of The Father with the body of Christ by prophetic ministry.  Her spiritual covering is Prophet Madeline James.  Rachel and her husband Daniel are founders of ATR Global Ministries. They have an online bible institute where they teach and equip the believer as it prepares to launch them out. They are walking out the Ephesians 4:11 mandate; equipping, training and launching a company of believers to impact the Nations. She resides in Pineville, Louisiana with her husband Daniel Emerson, Father, Pioneer and Prophet. They have 2 children between them both.

Don’t grow weary in well doing, a Harvest is coming – A Word by Rachel Miranda Emerson

Rachel Miranda Emerson

Email: [email protected]

While in prayer today, I heard there is a “redisposition” happening. I inquired the Lord on this word for understanding.

It is a repositioning, a reordering and a new placement of things.  Its a stopping of something and a redistribution of something in a new better way.  I feel strongly this is happening for many people.

There are many that have felt they have been in a lull (a pause and even in a silent season.) Its not the wilderness but it is like a winter time for you. Its a time where God is bringing alignment, order and a repositioning in your lives. We must thank God for these times. We must be prepared inside and out for the next season and the next new assignment.

I want to tell you today, you have not fallen to the way side and been forgotten. There are new assignments and directions God is bringing you to. There were old things that had to be stripped off, rendered, and burned away. And then there were other things that needed to be cultivated and watered again. Thank you Lord for the fresh water coming in!

You will finish strong. You will see the fruit of your labor come forth. You will come out of this lull and season into that blossoming fruitful place. Do not disregard the pruning, the sculpting and the redefining in your lives.

Its not a detour. It is necessary for the place God has in front of you.  The old things must pass away for the new to come forth. The leaves on the tree have fallen off but new buds are sprouting. There is new life sprouting and flourishing!

Do not grow weary in well doing.

Do not lose heart. Do not stop persevering in the quiet and silent times. There is greater ahead for you! There is so much more in store for you! Embrace the process and allow God to do a perfect work in you.

“But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.”James 1:4 AMPC

“And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.” Galatians 6:9 AMPC

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