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Laurie Riggs


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Encouragement For Today! – A Word by Laurie Riggs


Laurie Riggs


I heard Him speak that some of you are about to set your feet upon a path of divine destiny. You have not come to this place without experiencing a certain amount of hardship and difficulty, however, you have been an example to many as they have watched you move along on your journey in life thus far.


It is an hour of appointment and assignment at the hand of your God and King… savor it and know that He is absolutely with you as you begin to walk through the gates of the royal path that He has set you on. Some may look upon you as you enter and say “Why him? Why her? – we didn’t expect this out of him or her.”


But God will answer them in His own way and in His own time, all you need to do is to keep close in heart and mind that He is the One who chose you, and pay no attention as you enter the gates to those who are wondering why you were the one who was chosen in this hour at this time. In time, they will see it for themselves.


Be extremely attentive to all of your surroundings as God continually reveals many things to you and yet keep your focus strong on that which He is directing you to see while moving forward with great intention.


It is a joyous new day for you and it is an amazing path that you have been chosen to walk upon, hand-picked by God himself! Enter through the gate now, and walk onto the path filled to overflowing with His glory, beloved of the Lord.


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