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The calling on my life is worship intercession, but there have been times where I felt to just throw in the towel because the warfare upon worship was so intense.

I remember one time I actually was leaving a conference because I could not break through even to worship.

One man asked me where I was going. I told him what I felt and he said not to look on the warfare, but to look to Jesus who leads us in the battle. He has the breaker anointing and He will make the way.

From that day on I’ve kept my eyes on Jesus and was able to have a breakthrough in worship.

Times have even gotten more intense than before. Many praise teams have been robbed from congregations. People are having a hard time singing out, because of the spirit of intimidation.

There has been much oppression and deadness of spirit during worship that it is disheartening where I just feel like crying out to Jesus to set the captives free.

We can’t work it up in the natural. Only Jesus can set us free!

Recently I was deep in worship and felt led to kneel down. I’ve never had a problem wherever I’ve been to kneel down on hard surfaces — but this was different.

I felt it and really bad upon my knees and legs. I said, “LORD, what do I do? I don’t want to quench Your Spirit when you lead me to bow down, but in the natural, I just can’t take it!”

I had ordered kneepads, but to dance freely in them felt like weights upon my legs! I had been praying, “What do I do, and what is happening?” And the following Word came to me.

God is calling us to release unto Him a level of worship that cannot be accomplished in the natural.

For those who are desperately in love with Him, He will bring a breakthrough that will take us from this realm of glory to the next.

When we realize and admit that we cannot do it, He will take over. We must surrender all and wait upon Him. He sees our heart. He will do His part because we have been faithful.

In the natural, it might look like we have lost it all and have no strength to succeed or have that sacrifice to offer. The enemy has come in like a flood and has robbed all that there is in the natural realm.

To those who have faith and have never lost the vision and have their treasure stored in Him, we will see His Glory.

Our hearts will explode with praise. Our hearts burn for Him for that release of His heart cry as a mighty roar.

Yes, we will see His will accomplished and His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Bear down and cry out for a mighty birthing of His Will to take place and a mighty harvest to come forth.

This is the hour when He will pour out His power!

Yolanda Ballard

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