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Beth A. Sargent is a wife, mom, author, speaker and podcaster. She has been in ministry for over 25 years. Beth & her husband Josh are Senior Pastors of Good Shepherd Church in Louisville, KY. She has a passion to help people become spiritually, mentally, and physically fit for their God-given task. Beth and her husband, Josh, have three children, Stephen, Sophia, and Sarah. They live near Louisville, KY. Website:

“God is Bringing Peace to Your Storm” – A Word by Beth A. Sargent

Beth Sargent
Email: [email protected]

I hear the Lord saying…

I am wanting to bring Peace in the middle of the chaos.

What you are going through may not make sense to you right now but be still and know that I am God.

For those of you who feel as if you are in the middle of a storm. I say to your storm peace be still.

I see some of you as if you are standing in the middle of a tornado and everything is spinning out of control. Maybe its your health, your children your job your finances, anxiety, tormenting thoughts.

I am saying to you right now, peace be still.

I am bringing answers, breakthroughs and deliverance to you. Get ready to watch Me move on your behalf.

Watch Me strategically move the pieces in your life for your good.

I am being very strategic with the details of your life.

What has seemed impossible will no longer be impossible says the Lord.

Release to me what you are worrying about. Let Me work out what worries you.

Don’t worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of its self.

I have had the days of your life recorded before you were ever born. Don’t think for one second I don’t see what you are going through.

I see all of your tears, your frustration, the disappointments you have been facing. I see your heartache and your struggle. Hand Me over all of your worry, your stress and your anxiety. In exchange for your worry I will freely give you My peace.

You may be feeling as though every time you turn around you are going through something else. The enemy wants you to feel overwhelmed and he wants you to throw in the towel. You are on the brink of your breakthrough. Don’t quit now. Don’t let the enemy cause worry to weigh you down. I am lifting every worry and every burden off of you right now!

Given by Beth A. Sargent


Psalms‬ ‭46:10‬ – “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬ – “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

Mark‬ ‭4:39‬ ‭- “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”

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