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Dionne White is a Prophetic Artist, Author, Minister and Teacher who has a passion to see people awakened to their identity and righteousness in Christ, living out life transformed as God intended. With twenty five years in spirit filled ministry she is a seasoned intercessor and develops others in the way of the Spirit filled life and prophetic ministry. Dionne also develops content for kingdom creatives helping them to become artists of purpose for the glory of God and to care for the soul of culture around them. Her ministry is based in the Isaiah 61 prophecy and she has a mandate from the Lord to “Blaze a path to peace for others.” Dionne is married 22 years to Will and they have two beautiful children, Asher and Anna who are both serving the Lord with their hearts, gifts and talents. Dionne is a NE Ohio native but her family now resides in Anderson, South Carolina. Website:

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Gold Rush – It’s Mining Season – A Word by Dionne White

Dionne White

Email: [email protected]

It’s mining season both for us and God.

I’ve been reminded recently of a vision I was given in 2016. In prayer I received an image of two hands holding a round wooden sifting tray that was panning for gold. I would see these hands bring the tray up out of the river water and the water would run through it. As they shook the pan it separated the dirt, soot and gold – real and fake.

The Spirit then spoke to me that “the sifting had begun”. He was separating the pure in heart from the false and defiled. No more “fake gold”. Only His pure mined and refined gold would be found and treasured. That was in 2016.

Then in the beginning of 2017 I saw a map of the United States looking like it was an old mining map possibly, on parchment paper. And then I begin to see liquid gold being poured in and around all the borders of the states and I heard “GOLD RUSH”. Every border of every state was filled with gold and it became like a patchwork scene of a map that had been done with gold. Then the Spirit spoke and said, “I DECREE AMERICA WILL BE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAIN!” Then all the states borders were sealed with Gold.

God has brought both of these visions and words back to my memory recently. I am seeing the gold mining pan, and the mining map with gold.

Then recently in a worship service I was taken twice into the spirit in an underground mine. Myself and others that were ascending in worship were going deep into a mine. This time we were mining for diamonds. I have been seeing diamonds periodically over the last month, particularly upon falling asleep.

As we went deep into the mine and worshiped the diamonds were being dislodged and shook loose from the dirt in the darkness. The worship was the tool.

It was understood that we were the diamonds because then a miner, the Lord, came in to claim the diamonds and I saw his hands grab these diamonds and hold them in his hands still dirty and unshaped,  not refined, he had found his treasure. He gazed upon his treasure in amazement.

It’s understood that there is a sifting going on and it started 5 years ago and has become more aggressive. There is a separating that is happening to reserve the finest of gold and gems that are his for his purposes. It is evident it is mining season. I want to encourage you as you worship you the Spirit will begin to dislodge you, shaking loose the dirt in the darkness and prepare you for gathering. You will be captured by him and treasured In his hands.

If you are trying to do anything in your own strength and for your own gain it will not stand. If it’s built on shifting sand it will not stand. Nothing is hidden from the Lord. Everything is naked to him and he sees all even in the darkness. Know that he desires you to allow him to gather you, to refine you to treasure you to co-labor with you for his purposes so that he may be glorified. The days of fake gold is about to be over in the kingdom of God once and for all.

Mine your way into the depths of His heart and you will find Him and He will find you. Mine your way through the streets and you will find souls that are diamonds to Him. Watch as the Holy Spirit leads you in His light in the darkness of this world. As you do this you will see, know and  become a miner for Him. Holy Spirit will train you to see the gold beyond the dirt and darkness and you will have found a treasure.

Dionne White

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