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Kaylie Singh’s heart is to see this generation restored back to the heart of the Father by loving God like never before. Kaylie believes intimacy with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit is key to walking in the fullness of God on earth as it is in Heaven. Kaylie moves in the prophetic and loves to share what’s on Gods heart to bring encouragement, direction and vision for the journey ahead.
“Have you missed the signs of a Prophet Child?” 
A Word by Kaylie Singh
A few years ago my son said he was sad because he couldn’t see or hear Jesus. So I explained to him a few ways that we can hear from God. (Knowing he was only 3) I explained it like this, “Jesus speaks to us through our ideas, pictures, dreams and when we want to see good things.”. Since that moment he has been giving people words of knowledge about their past, and he sees things before they take place.
In April 2019, My son saw a man a the swimming pools and said to me, “Mum, that man over there couldn’t walk but he can now because Jesus healed him” I looked at the man and he was walking perfectly fine. Then the Lord said to me, “Go over there and ask that man about his leg” so I walked over and told him the story of my son learning to hear God’s voice and what he saw over his leg. Well, this man was so shocked at what I said he almost went white in the face. He couldn’t believe a child as young as 3 would be able to hear from God like this let alone an adult. He explained that 10 years ago he Injured his leg so badly from surfing that he was going to have it cut off. It was a miracle that they could save it. I ministered to him about that miracle being Jesus and that Jesus sent us to him to tell the true story of how he got healed! 
In December 2019, My son Joshuel, saw a huge amount of water coming to Sydney to wash out all the fires. A month later it rained so much there was flooding in Sydney and NSW that put out all the fires. 
Since 1st April 2020, My son has been seeing snow and desperately wanting to see it. The Lord has been showing me snow covering the entire earth too. I released a word on snow and now of the things God is about to do regarding snow covering the earth like a robe of righteousness on an earthen vessel. Then, the next day Charlie Champ released a prophetic word on snow coming to unusual places. 
So I help my son understand why he sees or feels certain things especially when he doesn’t understand or gets frustrated that he hasn’t seen it yet. Joshuel confirms many of my prophetic words like the Lord is saying, “You have heard me right, now release it to the world!”
If you believe your child is super prophetic, has a calling in the office of a prophet, or even if they don’t, the Lord is saying, “Now is the time to steward them well and direct them into the truth of who they are and who I am. Be open to learning new mysteries from them”
Children will even be revealing hidden mysteries to their parents, this next generation of children hear from the Lord so clearly, so our job is to be attentive to what they say and LISTEN TO THEM. Lets help them understand what voice is the Lords and what isn’t. Let’s encourage them and push them deeper into knowing who God really is. 
I believe God is raising up children from 3+ in this hour to walk as the true ecclesia. And if we are not ready or awake, we will oppress or shut down their anointing and even call it “new age”.  I believe our children are going to be used by God in such a mighty way that NO eye has seen, NO ear has heard and NO mind has conceived what the Lord is about to do in and through them. Now is the time to raise our children in the Lord and be open to what the Lord is going to do in and through them. We are in a time where if we don’t catch up, we WILL be left behind! 
This is why the Scriptures say: “Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine— these are the many things God has in store for all his lovers.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 TPT
Special Note from Spirit Fuel: This platform is good soil. We are working hard everyday, full time to add more readers so they too can be blessed. If you are being led, sow into this good soil today and watch God move on your behalf! Obedience is always blessed.
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