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Westley Roderick

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The Beautiful Collision

“I am placing people in position with precision for a beautiful collision”

“What is a beautiful collision?” I questioned. 

“My people are being positioned and it is so important that they are in the exact spot so that they can collide with destiny” He so graciously explained.

In June 2018 I had an encounter where I saw an explosion take place right outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. I asked the Lord what I was seeing, to which He replied: it was the collision of kairos time and chronos time. The collision of God’s divine time and the step’s of man.  I heard the Lord say “a Cataclysmic collision would be the technical term”.  

At that time I was not aware of what exactly was a cataclysmic collision.  Once I researched it, I learned it was the collision of two stars, and when they collided they would create this magnetic pull around them along with creating precious metals and gemstones.

Fast forward a few months from June 2018 to late fall of 2018. The Lord begins to speak to me about how 2019 would be full of tension. 

The imagery was an ocean of God’s people with frustration on their faces not being able to move forward or backwards but experiencing this tension of being finely adjusted into a specific position.  

This is the conversation that took place:

“Lord what is happening?” I asked, “I am placing people in position with precision for a beautiful collision” He said. 

“What is a beautiful collision?” I questioned. 

“My people are being positioned and it is so important that they are in the exact spot so that they can collide with destiny” He so graciously explained.

So many have been able to discern that change and transition was on the horizon and there comes this angst of trying to prepare for it but in this matter being still is the greatest preparation we could take. When being fastened to a specific place, it is natural for us to want to break free. However, in this moment, there was no need. This is the Lord. 

Continuously, over the course of 2019, the Lord comforted me with His words “you are not missing anything or missing out on anything, there will be no suddenly to catch you up for you will have all that is needed.” 

As we entered 2019 a ministry partner reached out to me with an interesting news article in response to the word I released earlier in 2018 regarding the Cataclysmic Collision. 

It was about how a collision had taken place just outside the Earth’s atmosphere! There was a collision of asteroids just outside of our atmosphere.  

God’s splendor is a tale that is told; his testament is written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story every day through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship. 

God’s splendor is a tale that is told; his testament is written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story every day through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship. Each day gushes out its message to the next, night with night whispering its knowledge to all. Without a sound, without a word, without a voice being heard, Yet all the world can see its story. Everywhere its gospel is clearly read so all may know. – Psalm 19:1-4

The Reconciliation of Time

In late summer of this year, the Lord showed me that there was going to be a merging of three time lines. He referred to this merger as FuturePast as He is reconciling the time line behind humanity with the time line in front of humanity and it was colliding with us in this very moment. 

What He was doing was merging the past, the present, and the future. 

One of the moments that best illustrates the Lord’s relevancy regarding time is the miracle in John 2 as Jesus turns water into wine. 

Initially, as Jesus’ mother approaches Him, it is insisted that it is not yet time for Him to be doing such things.  However, that is not how it ended. Within a breaths time, the present was the future and Jesus was doing what it is said He would do. 

It was the merging of time to bring about reconciliation of all things. 

Isn’t interesting that milliseconds prior to what would publicize a journey of the miraculous, Jesus says its not time but then all of a sudden,  it is; but it was what was done in the past that brought Jesus’ mother to the understanding that He could do something about their situation. All of a sudden we see the “was, is, and is to come” together in that moment.

The past was making sense.

And when Mary realized it, she came to him and asked, “They have no wine, can’t you do something about it?” Jesus replied, “My dear one, don’t you understand that if I do this, it won’t change anything for you, but it will change everything for me![f] My hour of unveiling my power has not yet come.” Mary then went to the servers and told them, “Whatever Jesus tells you, make sure that you do it!” Now there were six stone water pots[g] standing nearby. They were meant to be used for the Jewish washing rituals.[h] Each one held about 20 gallons or more. Jesus came to the servers and told them, “Fill the pots with water, right up to the very brim.” Then he said, “Now fill your pitchers and take them to the master of ceremonies.” – John 2:3-8

Hindsight is 2020

Over the last 5 to 7 years we as a church and as individuals have endured many things, and have questions to go with those events. 

The Lord shared with me that this coming year will bring much understanding to His people as to the events that occurred over the last 5 to 7 years. Whether it was hardship or a time of celebration it served a greater purpose in the very moment that it existed. He told me that hindsight is 2020 and that it will all make sense and that what is and what was has been preparation for what is to come. 

Nothing was in vain. 

A verse that the Lord keeps highlighting to me for 2020 is:

“Don’t forget the example of Lot’s wife and what happened to her when she turned back.” – Luke 17:32

While it is tempting to want to look back, it is imperative that we do not, but instead, like Paul, we keep our eyes on the prize which is Him and the reward we have in Him. 

There is a reason why what is behind is behind you and that the Lord has moved you from that place and those people. If what was there was meant to be with you it would be with you so keep looking and moving forward.

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