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Teryn Yancey is the co-founder of Glory Culture International.She is an emerging millennial prophetic voice and writer called to carry the lavish heart and mystic glory of the Father to the nations. She has a heart for equipping current generations and generations to come to live a fully encountered life. Teryn is also a passionate teacher of Kingdom warfare. The prophetic words, revelations from the Throne Room and Heavenly encounters written on her blog are read all around the world. She currently resides in Moravian Falls, North Carolina with her husband and three children. Website:

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Keep your eyes on the King of Glory! – A Word by Teryn Yancey

Teryn Yancey


So many are solely focusing on the warfare of this day and age. Jesus didn’t enter into this realm in human flesh so that you may continuously fight in exhaustion, constantly getting attacked. I know because that is all I used to be told. They say just accept the warfare… always expect an attack! Everyone is looking for secrets to fight and win and keep the devil off their back. Many look to leaders to learn the ways of war but why not learn how to stand in the glory and live above the snakeline where you are hidden and the snakes can’t breath in the rarefied air?

One night, Bob Jones visited me in a dream, gave me a word from the Lord and taught me the true meaning of “fight.” It had nothing to do with swinging my sword to slice off demon heads but high praise to the Lord. Your voice carries victory!

After that, I took that to heart and it completely changed my life.

ABIDE IN HIM! Surrender to His plan and presence instead of always running with battle axes and wearing yourself out. We stand our ground by decreeing, declaring, worshipping and high praise. Not looking for demons under every rock and in every person. That leads to paranoia and spiritual exhaustion. The enemy wants your eyes on him so of course there will be a focus on intense warfare. I’m in no way saying be an ignorant doormat. We are called to wage war but it matters in which way you are called to “fight” when opposition arises against you. I’m simply wanting you to really study out the Bible and see how Jesus dealt with darkness. It may surprise you.

In Matthew 4:1-11, Lucifer came to Him in the wilderness and took him up into the Holy city, then up to an exceedingly high mountain to offer Him the kingdom of the world. Jesus used His voice and said “Away with you Satan!” Then the devil left him. Simple as that!

You really wanna do damage to demonic powers? Get a burning heart to save souls!

I hope this inspires you to go seek the Lord for yourself and let Him teach you what warfare truly means for your own life. Some are called and mantled to fight in unique ways, so you need to hear for yourself what you are called to do and stop letting preachers blindly lead you into uncalled battles!

☆ “For though we walk in the flesh [as mortal men, we are not carrying on our [spiritual] warfare according to the flesh and using the weapons of man.” 2 Corinthians 10:3 AMP

☆”Paul and Silas, undaunted, prayed in the middle of the night and sang songs of praise to God, while all the other prisoners listened to their worship. Suddenly, a great earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. All at once every prison door flung open and the chains of all the prisoners came loose. ” Acts 16:25-26

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