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Crystal Wade writes to help people connect to their Heavenly Father. He has suffered a huge, generational public defamation campaign. Many of His own children have suffered and don’t have many “good” pictures of their Heavenly Father. She writes to keep good pictures of your Heavenly Father visible in true stories as well as in prophetic words and teaching. Focusing on the pain doesn’t get you anywhere; she had been stuck there herself; however, intentionally focusing on the true, good stories of your Heavenly Father and learning how He does things, even if it is through other people’s stories at first, will get you where you want to go. Further, Crystal and her husband Stephen received a commission from the Father to connect the generations to Him and to each other so that they can: Start well. Live well. Recover well. Build well. Finish well. As part of that commission, they release materials to assist people of all ages in connecting to The Perfect Parent—your Heavenly Father. Website:

Let there be Light- The Time is Now! – A Word by Crystal Wade

Crystal Wade

Email: [email protected]

March is a super important month. Father set the sun, moon, and stars in the sky to give light and to mark the seasons—to govern the day and night and to separate the light from the darkness (Genesis 1:14-19).

Those seasons, governance, and separation are both physical and spiritual.

There are two equinoxes per year—in March and September. The word “equinox” comes from Latin, and refers to “equal night.” Approximately twelve hours light and twelve hours dark reside in those two season changes in March and September—and blanket the earth. Because of Father’s great love, we are not consumed, as His mercies are new every morning—and even so, here. There are a few more minutes of light in each of these days—but only a few.

On March 20, 2022 at 11:33 am Eastern Time (NYC), the time will change to spring in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it turns to fall.

We’re in a contending and breaking through moment when darkness and lies are generally accepted, and are moving to wrench forward and take the upper hand.

How much light will we bring? That is the question.

The highest light is the truth, the Lord shared with Ana (Seated in the Heavenly Places, Ana Mendez Ferrill). That light which is truth is Jesus who is in the Father–and in you through Holy Spirit. Jesus is The Light—and He is The Truth (John 1:4-5; 14:6).

Who governs these two seasons governs the next six months of the year. It is that important.

To govern with the Lord, it is essential to walk with Him in His ways—His ways are light and they are truth. Not our way of choice, or our family’s ways, or the culture’s ways.

This message today is a BELL ringing—Let there be LIGHT. NOW is the time

It doesn’t take super human effort—just the next right step with the Lord to greatly increase the light in and through your life.

It is the Lord’s way that light dispels darkness. To increase our light, we have to embrace His ways and let go of ours.

“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” (NIV, John 1:4-5).

Anything the Lord has been tapping on your heart to clear out, don’t delay.

Anything the Lord has been impressing you to implement in your life, don’t delay.

Anything the Lord has been directing you to pray, even if it’s new, don’t delay.

If you’ve been walking in that way, keep your peace and walk confidently forward step by step with the Lord! Being right with Him (and in Him) gives boldness and confidence as a lion!

Prayer Direction this month:

Father, thank You for this time You created. Cause Your light and truth to shine in me and my family so we can see what You’d have us to see in the light You’d have us to see it in. Give us willing hearts to adjust from our ways to Yours. Refresh us with Your River of Water of Life. Shine Your light and truth and keep it there for the body of Christ and the people of the nations to see what You’d have them to see in the light and sound You’d have them to—and grant them great grace and a willing heart to turn in the direction You would have them to. Rivers of Water of Life to and through them, Father, preparing them to receive and grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, we ask for Your holy government to be established on earth and in this time as it is in Heaven, and for the governance of peace upon Your family, and upon us individually. We agree with the truth of Your Word that Jesus’ life is the light of all mankind. His LIGHT is shining in the darkness, and increasing in us, and the darkness has not overcome it. Let there be LIGHT! Now is the time! Restore and do much more, Father, for the sake of Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, for His inheritance in the people and the nations in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

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