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Crystal Wade writes to help people connect to their heavenly Father, and to keep good pictures of Him visible—through real life stories as well as through prophetic words and teachings. Crystal and her husband Stephen received a commission from the Father to connect the generations to Him and to each other so that they can Start well. Live well. Recover well. Build well. Finish well. As part of that commission, they release materials to assist people of all ages in connecting to The Perfect Parent. Website:

Ministry of Reconciliation! – A Word by Crystal Wade

Crystal Wade

Ministry of Reconciliation!

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their wrongdoings against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation, (NASB, 2 Corinthians 5:17-19).

Each believer has a new creation identity—it is their unique expression in the Lord Jesus Christ (the Last Adam). It’s who we are in Him before the foundation of the world—redeemed.

Recognize and Reconcile the Gap

If you’ve walked with the Lord for any time, you realize that there’s a gap between what He said (eternal truth) and where you are (current reality).

That gap is where we realize our need for relationship with Heavenly Father, the Lord, and Holy Spirit. This gap—or space—is where the ministry of reconciliation is urgently needed.

First, we have to reconcile with Him in those places that are wayward and that fall short of His glory. Then, we can offer the ministry of reconciliation to those around us.

Reconciliation here in 2 Corinthians 5:18 is the Greek word “katallage” (Strong’s G2643). One of its meanings is “adjustment of a difference” ( That adjustment of a difference leads to restoration of relationship.

In my quest to receive answers to long-standing specific prayers, the Lord camped me in this place of reconciliation.

Comfort and Challenge

Our Heavenly Father is gracious to speak encouragement to us. He knows that our long-standing prayers and what looks like an amazing lack of answers can sure weary us. Jesus addressed this gap and encouraged us to not give up in prayer, using the parable of the widow who persistently pressed the unjust judge for justice (Luke 18:1-7). Spoiler alert: She got her full answer! How much more so will your Heavenly Father grant justice for His own who continuously cry out to Him?

During one of these prayer missions to press in for answers, Heavenly Father spoke this to my spirit, “I AM for you. I AM not against you. There are some things in you that are against Me.”

His words both comforted me that He wasn’t fighting me on these prayers, and challenged me to look inside to “adjust the difference,” or reconcile in me what had been against Him.

That brings me to this key point.

In the Garden?

There is an iniquity that insinuated itself in Eve in the Garden. It’s been working in humankind ever since. It is not Father’s good will or kind intention for us, but it works inside us to bend, curve, twist, and stubbornly oppose us to Him.

It makes our lives difficult and can even cause sickness to land.

The group which we automatically associate it with is not its only landing pad.

It has been with us since the Garden—and it fights Heavenly Father and His leading inside us, throwing us off course and wrenching His good will, and even His promises, from us.

It is stubborn, backsliding; in general, it’s obstinate and opposed to Father and all that is right.

The Defiled Sound

It is the perverse spirit.

The reason Father compelled me to share this unpleasant topic with you is because you have power to reconcile this with Him for you—and for your children and grandchildren.

Father showed me in a dream that the force of sound in the earth is flowing in sync with the perverse spirit. This is being targeted to children. Its sound causes the children (and teens) to want to embrace the transgender life.

Its sound is like the Pied Piper and it works to carry off our children—and it’s doing it quickly.

This sin which empowers the spirit does not just work to create transgender or homosexual changes. It works to be opposite, opposed, stubborn, bent and curved against Father’s design and what is right.

The strategy at present is to pull the children and teens into a transgender life.

That’s just one application.

Dear friends, parents and grandparents, this is a gracious call to expedited prayer to Father! He’s waiting to hear from you. He is not against you—but there are things in all of us that are against Him. It’s time to reconcile these with Him. Where He leads, it’s time to move in the ministry of reconciliation.

Prayer Strategy

Go to Him in repentance for this sin in you and your bloodline to Adam first. Then, repent on behalf of your children and grandchildren to perpetuity. Bring all these sins under the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and ask that they be reconciled at the Cross. Ask Him to separate you and yours from where you’ve been mixed with it anywhere (for instance, sound)—and create a shield around you all so that you’re off limits from it. Ask for the divine exchange of your (and their) new creation reality—sealed in Holy Spirit and rearguarded with His glory. Ask for His angelic guard and His wall of fire around you all.

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