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Westley Roderick is the founder of LoveSpeaks Ministries in Shreveport, LA. At the age of 19, while on a search for spiritual discovery, Westley foretold his own coming to Christ, which led to an unconventional salvation. Shortly following, he had an experience where Jesus appeared to, and commissioned him into ministry. Today, he ministers in conferences, crusades, and revivals worldwide, operating in the prophetic, revelatory, and glory realms where miracles, signs and wonders manifest. Westley is an emerging prophetic voice, leading the charge of a millennial generation. He dedicates his life to seeing the love of the Father revealed in the hearts of men and women through the Spirit of Prophecy.
Parliament of Prophets
A Word by Westley Roderick
Several months ago, I was awakened in the very early morning by the voice of the Lord. I heard, “I’m raising up a parliament of prophets.” Before this moment, I already knew that a grouping of owls is defined as a parliament. It wasn’t just that God was speaking to me there would be a collection of prophetic people but that they would have characteristics similar to that of an owl.
The Lord said, “I am going to breathe upon these individuals in such a way that they will begin filling up my house with brothers and sisters.” We have been given and charged with the word of reconciliation. He said, “I am going to cause it so that these people will go out into the darkness, into the very darkest of places, during the worst of the worst situations.
The Lord was referring to a parliament because owls have an impeccable ability to see through the darkness and have a highly developed hearing. Owls have an estimated 100% strike ratio while hunting under cover of darkness. Owls can turn their head in a 270-degree view of their surroundings, giving to a plane of sight. All of these additional abilities that are proprietary to owls are what make this bird a great metaphor and symbol for the coming prophetic movement. This collection of prophetic people will have counsel and the wisdom of the Lord on how to strike with accuracy to break the shackles of darkness.
In correlation, the Lord is saying that in the next prophetic movement, “I am going to be raising up a movement of people that will be able to reach for those in the darkness and bring them back to the nest.” God is going to breathe upon a group of prophetic voices whose sole purpose, whose calling and gifting, is the ability to go out into the darkest of places and bring people back to the nest. The nest is symbolic of the Father’s house.
The purpose of this movement and the gathering of owls that He is referring to is to gather souls in the cloak of darkness and bring them back into the Father’s house, into the Kingdom of Heaven. There is an anointing and a covering to go into the dark places where people are afraid to go regularly and rescue the lost. These prophetic people will have the ability to see with a wider peripheral vision than others. Their ability to see into the darkness will be nearly perfect, and it will give them a 100% strike ratio. That means that when they bring somebody into the Kingdom, there will not be a whole lot of lollygagging or frolicking around. The way they will operate, function, and move about will be very precise, strategic, and carried out with wisdom and stealth.
In Matthew chapter 9, we see that Jesus was eating and drinking with the sinners and tax collectors. Many people came up to Him and said, “Why do you sit here and eat and drink with sinners and with the tax collectors?” And Jesus says, “I can tell you to go learn the meaning of the Scripture that I desire mercy and not sacrifice.” Jesus is right there in their midst. The spirit of prophecy is the revelation of Jesus.
The Father is raising up prophets that will abide in the darkness for the sake of bringing light. God Himself hides within a dark cloud. This new order of prophetic people is going to be there with peripheral vision and will be able to see wider and further into this darkness. They will be able to hear and know the Father’s voice. That is a promise that we have from the Father. “My sheep will know my voice.”
He said, “I Am going to breathe upon people.” We are going to see a marking of Joseph and Daniel upon a prophetic movement and the remnant of people.
If you look at the life of Joseph, his brothers traded him off into slavery. He was raised up with, lived amongst, worked, and operated for a Pharaoh. Most prophetic voices in scripture typically operated in the light of being a consultant to a king or somebody in great power, authority, and influence. Joseph had the ear of a Pharaoh.
Some of us need to come into a place where we can begin to have the ear of a Pharaoh, and to where Pharaoh can learn, he can trust us and, therefore, will listen to us.
Often people are so detoured by longing for their purpose and place within the church body. They are only looking for God to fulfill their calling or their passion within the church body, and that is not where they are supposed to be.
In that process, scripture gets misinterpreted, causing a mindset of feeling betrayed by the church and constantly battling with a constricting feeling inside those four walls.
When you look at Joseph’s life, he says, “what you intended for evil, God has turned to good.” We often interpret this scripture by saying, “what the enemy intended for evil, God will use for good.” However, let’s look at who betrayed Joseph at that moment. It was not the enemy. It was not Lucifer. It was not Satan. It was, in fact, his brothers who betrayed Joseph. They became so jealous and so insecure about his gift that they tried to get rid of him.
Maybe you’re feeling like you are having a hard time and struggling to find your groove in a church. Maybe God is not calling you to be a prophet or a prophetic voice inside the church, but rather He’s calling you to be inside Pharaoh’s camp. In the marketplace, in the wilderness place, but instead, you want to be in the place that shines.
Prophecy ultimately brings and hooks people in to reveal Jesus to them. We have been using prophecy like a trick and pony show inside the church. Almost every reference of scripture, specifically in the New Testament, prophecy is to reveal the heart of God, to reveal the secrets of their heart, and to reconcile them back to Christ. To reveal Jesus, who died for them, so that He can have a relationship with them.
The Joseph anointing is going to come upon a group of people, and God is going to bless them the way He blessed Joseph. This anointing isn’t limited to just dream interpreters; Joseph also acted as a consultant. The Joseph anointing comes with wealth and power to create and build wealth. God wants to move on to a people group that can operate as business consultants and speak to “Pharaoh” out there in society who needs that connection to God.
God wants to use you as a bridge, but you are so busy trying to find and get a hold of the microphone inside the church that you are not taking hold of the calling that God has given you.
“You’re the light of the world, not the light of the church.”
Living this way is why many people are feeling so uncomfortable inside the church with their calling and gifting. Their gifting, calling, and voice are to be used outside of the church so that they can begin to influence people for Jesus and reveal who Jesus is. Sometimes that’s through acts of love and kindness, and other times it’s demonstrating what Jesus did, and revealing the secrets of their heart using prophecy.
I am NOT saying that you don’t need to be a part of a local church or body. I am saying that maybe your gifting is not made to function inside the church, and you are seeking a platform where God isn’t giving you favor.
Many are not experiencing the favor of God or man because you are not operating in the place where you are supposed to be.
True marketplace ministry, where the Lord is speaking to you and giving you creative ideas and ways to create money and wealth, you have business influence and savvy that God uses that reveals who Jesus is on a greater scale and platform.
When you begin to do that, you will begin to see the favor of God and man upon your life.
The other prophetic anointing that we’re going to see is a Daniel like anointing. Each of these prophetic types has unique lifestyles specific to these individuals throughout their existence. Several people are going to live a certain lifestyle.
When you look at the lifestyle of Daniel, he was another person that was working and operating amongst Nebuchadnezzar, a king with a dream that no one but Daniel could understand and interpret. Daniel led a set-apart life that created greatness within him for a moment, just like this. Daniel, with Nebuchadnezzar, is an example of the parliament of prophets that God is raising up. These people are going to operate in a realm of darkness that many people are afraid to go to.
We are going to see a select group of people that have set themselves apart, that are going to become like Daniels and Josephs. They realize they’ve gone through seasons of rejection and being outcast, being in the wilderness, and left to die for a set-apart reason. Their suffering is a place for them to develop in their calling, serving a greater purpose and greater glory.
God is raising up and blessing a group of people that are going to carry an anointing similar to Daniel. They are going to have the ear of kings like Nebuchadnezzar. God is going to give them the ear of these types of people so that you can speak wisdom into them, and reveal the truth, and reveal the Father of Life and reveal Jesus to them.
You may find yourself in a place of pressure like the lion’s den. The lion’s den is the place that God is using to build and establish you. Let the Lord be your rear guard. Do not bow to pressure, and do not bow to Nebuchadnezzar.
God says, “I’ll set my favor before you like a shield.” Allow the favor of God to go before you like a shield and protect you so that He may rise up like a rear guard in your life and keep you from the lion’s mouth.
You may find yourself in a very heated situation, but suddenly there’s a fourth man in the fire. When you begin to think about it, God has your back no matter where you are. God has called you to live a set-apart lifestyle, and it’s ok if everyone cannot understand it.
You are destined to live a set-apart lifestyle so that the Lord can work through you and with you. Some of you feel like Joseph. Why is the family of God rejecting me? They’re not rejecting you! That place is not the place for your ministry to be built and established. God wants to build and establish your ministry in a different spot, in a different place, because it serves a greater purpose than what you could ever imagine.
When you begin to step outside the four walls of the church, you will see the favor of God and the favor of man come upon your life, and it will rest upon you, opening doors that you could never imagine.
There is a new breed of prophets over America. This breed will be called “The American Prophet.” He is going to give a voice to a remnant of people that are willing to see past the darkness, into the political realm, carrying the loving-kindness of God. The loving-kindness will lead to repentance and cause America to see her purpose, beauty, and everything that she has always destined and called to be.
Isaiah 63:7, “I will forever tell of the loving-kindness of God.”
In this hour, God is speaking to America’s beauty and destiny. God is saying to America right now:
“No one compares to your beauty.
 You are beautiful.
 You have a purpose.
 You have a calling.
 You have a destiny.
 I am going to restore you.
 I am going to show you how beautiful you truly are
 I am going to set you on display.
 You are amazing.
 You are the apple of my eye.”
Sons and daughters are being raised up in this hour called to speak to the destiny and the beauty of America. Voices that will operate as guardians for America in the prophetic realm, they will see what, when, how, and where the enemy is plotting.
The fourth emerging prophetic voice that I see God is breathing on is a kingly anointing. The kingly anointing is a representation of the Father in Heaven. This anointing will carry the Father’s voice, resembling the voice of the Father, and resonate like the voice of the Father in Heaven.
This kingly anointing is going to bring healing and restoration to all people. God is going to speak to people through the voice of a father. He is going to begin raising up fathers that can raise up fathers.
A father or king looks after the well-being and welfare of the people serving alongside him. He doesn’t just seek his own will and glory. He looks to lift other people up because it’s all about creating a legacy throughout the generations. A true father looks 20, 40 years down the road.
God is raising up a prophetic company of people that are going to carry the heart of the father, who will want to establish a generation of kingdom dwellers. We need fathers that can speak, fathers that can love, fathers that can come in with power and presence and disrupt the lies of the enemy over the children of God. We have many teachers but not many fathers. These kingly-fathers will be about the legacy that they are creating in the name of God, 40 years down the road, 80 years down the road if the Lord tarries. God wants to breathe upon these people. God wants to raise up a generation of people who will become like The Father.
God will anoint the words coming from them that will carry so much weight and so much authority and cause them to go further than anyone else’s words. God will put something new and something fresh upon their lips and vocal cords, where the frequency and the tone of their voice will carry a weight and a vibration that will shake the earth. God is raising these people up right now.
Much Love,
Westley Roderick