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As one of the co-founders of Spirit Fuel, Joel Yount’s passion is to help advance the Kingdom of God with a media infrastructure to encourage, uplift, and fuel people with the spirit of God. 



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Power Has Been Restored! – A Word by Joel Yount


Early one morning I discovered there had been a loss of power. No lights, no internet, just everything in the dark. After a few minutes, the power came back on. Praise God! Little did I know only an hour later that morning the lights went out again. Oh no! Another power failure! I suddenly realized I wouldn’t be able to use my small heater near my bed in my room. (Yes, it’s very cold. Yikes!) I waited and waited…but nothing. I thought to myself, when is the power company going to fix this? Several hours can easily turn into what seems like forever if you have no internet access for work. Fast forward to 7:15 am and boom the lights came on, the heater began to blow out heat, and best of all being able to see in the bathroom with lights on. Power has now been restored!


Through this event, God showed me an interesting message that I feel led to share. Sometimes in our life when delays or interruptions happen it is because something is out of order. For example, a lifestyle of regular daily prayer time with the Lord helps to maintain clarity and balance in our day to day decision making. Regular prayer time has helped open doors to new ideas and solutions and brought increased favor in areas I was not even asking for. Not having a regular devoted prayer life for me seems to cause things to go out of order. Just as the power that provides daily necessities we need to maintain our lives can go out suddenly, it is similar with not having a consistent prayer life. Today, no matter what you may be facing I encourage you with good news! Continue to maintain your daily schedule of prayer. God is not mad at you. He welcomes you with His open arms and is excited to hear from you and speak to you.


I am reminded of the scripture verse in 1 Chronicles 16:11 that says, “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” NIV


Just as the the power from the power company was restored, let this be a reminder to each one of us that we can restore the power of prayer in our life today. Be encouraged!


Joel Yount


P.S. Entering your promise land may not always feel like your comfort zone! Thank God for the people He sends your way to speak life into areas you thought were not possible. I speak life and courage over you today! Your persistence is creating your breakthrough! 


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