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Jamie Rohrbaugh is an international speaker whose passion is to see sons and daughters walk in the manifest presence of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at (where she writes about prayer and the prophetic word), (focusing on Kingdom wealth and entrepreneurship), and (Spanish-language blog about the supernatural lifestyle). She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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Prophetic Word: Dear Child, You’re So Weary – A Word by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Jamie Rohrbaugh

Email: [email protected]

Beloved, are you feeling empty, weary, and apathetic today? Are you having a hard time even caring about anything? Have your motivation and inspiration flown away, and you don’t even know when or how they left you?

If so, I heard the Lord, our Father God, say this to you this morning:

“Dear child, you’re so weary. But I need you to know that I have not forsaken you, and life as you know it is not over.

I know you feel so tired you can barely think. I know you feel numb and uninterested in nearly everything, and I know you thought you were through this already.

But My child, your soul has been dealt a great injury over the years of doing too much, and the healing process is like physical therapy. It takes time, and you have to practice doing the thing you couldn’t do before–REST. Furthermore, if you do too much too soon, you can re-injure yourself and actually regress.

My beloved, you will be in the healing process for a long, long time.

It took years for you to injure yourself with overwork and stress, and it will take some time for you to learn the new ways. You will not be going back to the old ways; this is a lifestyle change that is permanent.

This doesn’t mean you will fail to make progress, but it means that I will help you along and you will stay in a state of rest.

You have reached the limits of your sufficiency, and you have found that all you were able to do on your own was wear yourself out. You are so weary now. You must still be diligent and faithful, but the time for weariness and for wearing yourself out is over.

You will no longer function in “drive and strive,” but in rest only. 

I have changed out your engine while you have been resting, and it no longer runs on the fuel of “drive and strive.” You now run on MY fuels of vision, hunger, LOVE, rest, and peace. So when you have tried to drive and strive, you have not even been able to get your engine into gear! My love fuels you now; My peace compels you

I told you that I was rebooting your love-walk, and I tell you today that you used to do it all for love. 

Somewhere along the way, your engine of love got replaced when the people you loved turned on you. When that happened, you were devastated and you closed your heart to loving people the way you used to. You began fearing people instead

But now, My perfect love is casting out your fear. I am rebooting your love walk and replacing LOVE as your “drive shaft,” and giving you My peace to be your gears that makes things turn.

O My child, you are greatly beloved.

People have harmed you so badly, and your heart still has not recovered. I know it hurts. You wore yourself out because “strive and drive” are no substitute for My love. They cannot propel you forward like My love can. And although your heart was pure, you didn’t realize the depth of your injury.

My beloved child, you do not know how to help yourself–but I do know how to help you.

You do not know what’s going on with yourself. You can’t figure it out even though you have tried. But My love, I am with you. Daddy’s here. You can tell Me all about it, for I alone can help you. You do not need to figure things out; all you need to do is tell Me it hurts, and I will make it better.

Right now, I need you to relax in My arms. You are entering a deep process of healing–and yes, I did say “entering.” You have only begun to heal from the damage that two years of “strive and drive” have done to you. But I am applying the oil of My Spirit and filling you with My love for others again. I am filling you with the ability to receive love again; the ability to love and be loved.

Great damage has been done to you, but I am healing you.

I say it again: I am healing you. Rest in My arms. Wait patiently for Me. Allow Me to heal you with My love, for I will never hurt you nor forsake you.

I love you, My child. Rest in Me and wait patiently for Me as I help you. I am making the adjustments that need to be made, and I am helping you.


Your Dada.”

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