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Jamie Rohrbaugh is an international speaker whose passion is to see sons and daughters walk in the manifest presence of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at (where she writes about prayer and the prophetic word), (focusing on Kingdom wealth and entrepreneurship), and (Spanish-language blog about the supernatural lifestyle). She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Prophetic Word For Parents – by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Jamie Rohrbaugh


My friend, are you struggling on your parenting journey? If so, today’s simple prophetic word for parents will be encouraging to you.

I heard the Father say to you today:

“I see what a hard time you are having on your parenting journey right now. But believe Me when I tell you that I am with you, even in this. I am with you to help you, to bring you wise advice, and to show you the way you should go.

You may make mistakes, but I am better than your mistakes. I am bigger than your mistakes, too. I am with you to help you on this journey, even when the going seems hopeless and you just shake your head in frustration.

I sent your child from My bosom on purpose to you.

I did not make a mistake when I made you a parent. I did not pick the wrong person, even though you are an imperfect parent. The only perfect parent in the universe is Me, and everyone else is only doing their best to the degree that they listen to Me and obey.

I need you to pray more for grace for parenting.

The parenting journey is hard, and I need you to submit it to Me with every waking breath. Ask Me to make your skills as a parent just like Mine. Pray that I will teach you how to parent with My heart–even how to discipline with My heart.

I know you are having a hard time, but I love you anyway and I love your child. I put you together for a reason. Pray for My heart for your children. Ask Me to make good parenting as important to you, in your heart, as it is to Me, in My heart. Pray that I will teach you how to steward My babies, for your children are Mine first and will always be Mine.

My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.

I know you are weak, but I am strong. Pray together with your child for me to give you strength to parent, and I will. I will teach you all things; never fear. I love you and your babies too.

Love, Abba Father.”

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