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Jamie Rohrbaugh is an international speaker whose passion is to see sons and daughters walk in the manifest presence of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at (where she writes about prayer and the prophetic word), (focusing on Kingdom wealth and entrepreneurship), and (Spanish-language blog about the supernatural lifestyle). She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Prophetic Word: “I Go Before You to Prepare a Way,” Says the Lord – by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Jamie Rohrbaugh


Has the spiritual warfare intensified in your life lately? If so, the Lord wants you to know that He is going before you right now to prepare a way and work miracles on your behalf!

The Father says to you today:

“You have been worried about many things, but My promise is still true.

I promised you in My Word that, if you will seek My Kingdom and My righteousness first, all these things will be added to you. I said that everything you need will be added to you and nothing shall be lacking when You seek Me first, and My promise is still true.

I know things have been difficult for you lately, but the blackest hour is just before dawn.

You have fought the good fight and been faithful to Me, even when the devil has taken swipes at you that were mean and cruel and vindictive, as the devil always is. But the swipes he has taken at you have been unusually harsh, and these things have not escaped My notice.

Indeed, I have been fighting for you, fending the devil away from your life and making sure you were protected. I have not allowed the enemy to harm one hair on your head. Everything I did allow was worked for your good, and was allowed only to bring promotion to you.

You need to know that I go before you to prepare a way.

Going before you is not something that I only do sometimes or occasionally; I am, in fact, always going before you. It is who I am; do not forget that I am God who inhabits eternity. I am already existent in what is the future to you, and I am already working there. You will catch up to My work soon.

If I had allowed the way to come into manifestation sooner, you would not have been ready. Never forget that My sense of timing and times is perfect; only I know the exact moment when everything should happen for maximum impact.

Now I am bringing My way for you into manifestation.

Long you have waited and long you have prayed. Long you have believed on Me and waited for Me, and My Word says that You will not be put to shame.

Even though you waited, am I not doing it? Even though it took time, am I not faithful? I tell you, I Am; and you shall soon see more that I Am.

You need to understand that I am currently going before you to prepare a way for things you have not even faced yet.

There is never a time when you need to fear or dread. I know circumstances seem against you; results seem slow in coming; and appearances give you much to fear. Nevertheless, reject the spirit of fear which the enemy sends against you. Fear is not from Me; I Am perfect love, and perfect love casts out fear.

Things always look darkest before the dawn. Things always seem worst and scariest before My miracles manifest. But if you will look at Me and use My face as your barometer, you will never be rocked by the waves, for I do not change.

It is high time to awake out of sleep and expect a miracle every day.

You have allowed yourself to fall into a slumber spiritually, but wake yourself up from it! Reject slumber; reject passivity; go after everything I have promised you with the big, big faith you have built up over the years!

I desire to work miracles for you every day, and I wish for you to pray this every day:

Father, do Your will when it comes to miracles for me today. Show me the miracles you wish to perform, and manifest Your perfect, miraculous will as I agree with you in faith.”

Does not My Word says that My Spirit has revealed to you those things which eye has not seen nor ear heard, which have not entered into the heart of man–the things I have in store for you? It does! So as My Spirit reveals to you what I desire to do on your behalf every day, believe that what you see is from God–and you will see it!

I want you to believe Me for the miraculous on a daily basis.

Your faith has gotten too small. I need you to be an example of BIG faith and BIG hope. How can you demonstrate My hope, joy, and love without big faith? I want you to set yourself to contend daily for the great and mighty things I have promised you when you call upon Me!

Let this word be a word of warning to you: I have placed the miraculous in your DNA.

No longer can you be content with the little things. Never again will you be able to rest on your laurels without making Kingdom progress. You will rest, yes; but I have programmed your DNA to expect Me to do the outrageous, the incredible, and the supernatural on your behalf.

How did this happen that I programmed your DNA like this? It is because you know Me now, and you know Me well.

As you have been staring at Me, you have gotten to know Me in such a way that forever changed you. As you have looked to Me, what you have seen of My face has wrecked everything small in you. You have become like Me in that way.

I have forever ruined your taste for the mundane,” says the Lord.

He continued: “It was an inevitable consequence of spending time with Me, for My Word shows Me to be the God of wonders. My works are marvelous and enduring; they are to be celebrated. Now that you know this about Me, you will not be able to go backward.

That’s all right, though,” the Lord said. “There is nothing for you when you look back; all My works for you are in front of you.

Remember Me and celebrate Me and My mighty works, but look straight ahead. Like Lot’s wife misunderstood–and like My apostle Paul did understand–I urge you to press on to My high call, forgetting those things which are behind and pressing on toward those things which are ahead.

I go before you to prepare a way.

You don’t have to understand everything, but do ask Me to help you understand. You don’t have to know everything, but pray for revelation anyway. Ask Me daily for wisdom, for wisdom is the principal thing.

I am with you to keep you. I make a way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters. Your enemies will lie down together and be quenched like a wick. I, the Lord, have spoken it.

Love, your Abba Father.”

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