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Jamie Rohrbaugh is an international speaker whose passion is to see sons and daughters walk in the manifest presence of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at (where she writes about prayer and the prophetic word), (focusing on Kingdom wealth and entrepreneurship), and (Spanish-language blog about the supernatural lifestyle). She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Prophetic Word: The Lights Are Coming Back On – by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Jamie Rohrbaugh


The Lord showed me that, for those of you who have been in the dark night of the soul, you have felt numb in many areas.

A number of the things that used to flow easily for you–things about which you were excited in the past; things you enjoyed and were good at–have not functioned very well for you lately. You have had no motivation or inspiration, and have not felt like yourself. But, you have been too weary to care.

If that describes you, I heard the Lord say to you:

“The lights are coming back on, My beloved.

You have been in a dark night. None of the things you wanted to work were working very well. However, I am switching the lights back on for you, one at a time.

My gifts and callings are irrevocable and without repentance. You always had the gift. However, I do not always inspire you to work your gift; sometimes I inspire you to rest.

And in this dark night, I have been with you to rest.

You have been in hiding as I have done surgery on your heart. It is okay to lie down in peace on the operating table as I work. It is permissible to recover from the pain of My loving discipline and chastisement, without trying to work. You have not erred in this, My beloved.

But now, dear child of Mine, I am switching the lights back on, one at a time.

You used to notice how I speak symbolically, but you have not heard from Me that way in a long time. Now, within the last few days, suddenly you are hearing Me in that way again.

You have been hearing Me in other ways during this dark night, but your ability to understand My voice in this special way is being sharpened again. I am speaking to you symbolically again, and not only in My still, small voice.

You are also receiving a double portion of My mantle and blessing.

You have earnestly contended to become more like Jesus, and I have answered your prayer by allowing you to experience the fellowship of His suffering. I have been shaping you and molding you into His likeness by My Spirit.

And because you have submitted to My discipline and chastisement, suffering together with My Son, I have given you a double portion of Our mantle, together with the blessing that goes with it.

You will see lights coming back on in your life one by one over the coming days.

The ending of the dark night requires only the turning on of My light. It will happen gradually; I do not want to overwhelm your eyes. But remember that you are coming up from the wilderness, leaning on your Beloved, Who is My Son, Jesus.

The lights are switching back on for you, My child. I have always been the Light in your heart, and the Light for your path. But you have been walking in the valley of the shadow of death, and you have not been able to see any outer light.

Now, however, I am switching the lights back on so that you can see My light on the outside, as well as My light shining on the inside of your life.

You have always been able to see Me taking care of you and shining My light on the inside. However, now that the lights are switching on one at a time, you will also see My glory revealed in your path as you walk forward.

Be at peace, My child. I have overcome the world. Do not fear, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with My mighty right hand. I am with you to keep you, and to perfect all that concerns you.

Love, your Abba Father.”

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