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Jamie Rohrbaugh is an international speaker whose passion is to see sons and daughters walk in the manifest presence of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at (where she writes about prayer and the prophetic word), (focusing on Kingdom wealth and entrepreneurship), and (Spanish-language blog about the supernatural lifestyle). She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Prophetic Word: You Are My Royal Child – by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Jamie Rohrbaugh


Beloved, have you been looking for your identity and place in the world? If so, Father is saying to you right now, “You are My royal child!”

The Lord says to you today:

“My child, I love you whether you earn it or not. You are My child, My beloved, whether you think you are good enough or not. And all your striving cannot change that.

Precious, beloved child, I love you and will never forsake you. I have planted you where you are, and I have placed My royal robe on your back. My robe has made you dignified and kingly, and I will never take My robe away from you. You are royalty, and you do not have anything to prove.

You need to know that My Son did the proving for you on the cross.

My Son proved My love for you, and now you can look at Him and see My love. My love is not tied up in how you perform or what you accomplish. My love is instead rooted in the fact that you exist, and I will never stop loving you for that reason.

My child, you exist, and therefore I love you.

My love for you is vast and powerful; it is mightier than the sword and the grave. My love for you is stronger than any need, want, or desire. My love for you is not going away, and My provision is not going away either.

You do not need to strive and work to be loved.

Again I tell you that you are royal; you are My royal child, and My delight is in you. I have called you by your name; you are Mine. And no matter what happens, My love for you cannot be destroyed.

Find your identity in My love.

Your identity is not in what you accomplish. It is not in what you get done or how much you work. Your identity is not found in earning anything. Instead, your identity is found in the reason I made you: because I knew you before you were ever born, and I loved you before you ever existed on earth.

I am your Manufacturer; you are who I made you to be. Your very existence came into being because I willed it. I made you because I wanted you; I made you because I love you; I made you to be My own inheritance.

You may not feel like you have a place, but you need to know and understand that your place is in Me.

I made you to be My portion; you are My inheritance. You do not need to strive to fulfill your purpose; you need to rest on My bosom instead. The sum total of your purpose is to be Mine, sold out to Me and in love with Me; I created you to be My child.

I have separated you from many things so that I could have your full attention.

I know that being separated is not fun for you, but it is only difficult because you did not realize what I was doing. But now, I am calling you to take My hand and trust Me, letting Me lead you and shepherd you into the way you should go.

I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Never forget that; you are My royal child AND I LOVE YOU.

In love with you always,

Your holy Abba Father.”

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