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ImageJamie Rohrbaugh is an international speaker whose passion is to see sons and daughters walk in the manifest presence of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at (where she writes about prayer and the prophetic word), (focusing on Kingdom wealth and entrepreneurship), and (Spanish-language blog about the supernatural lifestyle). She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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Prophetic Word: You Will Get There, In Time – A Word by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Jamie Rohrbaugh

Email: [email protected]

I heard the Father say:

“I want to talk to you about the things you’ve dreamed of–the things toward which it feels like you are making no progress.

I know the things you desire. I planted them in your heart before you existed on earth in fleshly form. When you only existed in My bosom, I knew you and planted your dreams inside you.So I want you to know that your dreams matter to Me. Your dreams are important to Me. Look around you; are the things you see not manifestations of your dreams already?

Yet you have become discouraged in some ways because it seems like nothing you do produces fruit of the kind you hoped it would produce.

And I understand.I understand how you have been faithful to Me, yet have not seen the results you hoped to see. I understand how you have labored in love for My name, yet nothing has seemed to happen or change. I understand how you have been grateful anyway, and I honor you for it

But beloved, I want to reassure you today that I have not forgotten you nor your dreams.

All things will happen for you, in time. There is a time and a season for every purpose under Heaven. That means that if you have not seen the season yet for your dream, it is still to come–for there truly is a season for EVERY purpose under Heaven.The dreams I placed inside you are not too big for you, but they are too big for this time. You have to grow into them. Never fear, however, My child; you ARE growing, and faster than you think.

You feel like these are your fruitful years, but they are your foundational years.

Small plants bear small blooms sometimes, but larger plants with more established root systems bear bigger blooms and bigger fruit. You have been faithful to My work of pruning you, and you are getting more fruitful all the time, even if you do not know it yet.

The fruit you are bearing feels stagnant to you, but it is still beautiful fruit to Me. The thing is that you are in a season of dormancy (concerning the outward appearances that the world can see) because I am sending you deeper; I am drawing you deeper; I am calling you deeper into Me. So all of your energy is focused right now on things that cannot be seen from the outside.

Now, however, you are doing a good work.

Even though people cannot see it, the work you are doing is good. And never fear; I am with you and am helping you. Even though the world cannot see what is going on, and even though your fruitfulness right now does not meet your expectations and hopes, I can see it far better than you can see and I know that what you are doing right now is best.

You will get to the place you desire–in time.

I have placed these dreams in your heart because I want to disciple you personally into them. You are not forgotten; I am holding you in the palm of My hand. No man can separate you from Me! And no dream is too difficult or unlikely for Me to fulfill.

I just need you to trust Me with your progress and with the timing of your life.

I know it’s hard sometimes, but it’s not too hard. You can trust Me, and I will help you! I need you to say in the face of discouragement:“The Lord is on My side; He is helping me; I will not fear or dread. The Lord gave me my dream and it’s up to Him to help me fulfill it. The Lord is perfecting all things that concern me; nothing is impossible with God!”Say that over and over and speak out also, “ALL my dreams are coming to fruition now and in God’s timing, in Jesus’ name!”My beloved child, I am helping you even though you cannot see it.

I am growing you in ways you know not of. Every little thing you do in this season of foundations matters to your future, and every little thing you do matters to Me. I am leading you; I am guiding you; I am directing your paths.I have not forgotten your dreams

I know they seem large and insurmountable, but I sit on the sides of the north and I see everything that concerns you–and I say, nothing is impossible with Me! I can take you further than you ever thought you could go, and I can do it quickly AND over time, at the same time. You will get there, in time. Time is your friend as long as you are seeking Me. I am with you always, even to the end of the world. I have many things for you to do before the end of the world comes.

And you will get there. Think not that I have forgotten you or your dreams; I give you My word, I have not forgotten you! I have not forgotten to perfect all things that concern you! I am with you to keep you and to comfort you, and all that concerns you concerns Me.My beloved, I am on your side. I am fighting for you and working on your behalf. You will get there, in time. Time is your friend.So rest. Abide in Me. Do what I would have you to do in the instant, and you will find Me discipling you and shepherding you into pleasant valleys with cool streams and green pastures for you to enjoy.You are not forgotten. I am with you.

And I care about your dreams. Never worry or fear; I am with you and will never leave you or abandon you. I will never forget about anything that concerns you, and I will shepherd you and bear you up forever.LoveYour adoring Daddy God.”Thank You, Papa. I love you.

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