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Rachel Miranda Emerson is an emerging and rising seer with a prophetic voice shaking the world. She is a prolific dreamer and a visionary pioneer for such a time as this. She desires to share the heart of The Father with the body of Christ by prophetic ministry.  Her spiritual covering is Prophet Madeline James.  Rachel and her husband Daniel are founders of ATR Global Ministries. They have an online bible institute where they teach and equip the believer as it prepares to launch them out. They are walking out the Ephesians 4:11 mandate; equipping, training and launching a company of believers to impact the Nations. She resides in Pineville, Louisiana with her husband Daniel Emerson, Father, Pioneer and Prophet. They have 2 children between them both.


Prophetic Word:“He is marking you this season” – A Word by Rachel Miranda Emerson

Rachel Miranda Emerson


The Lord is mantling HIS people with fresh FIRE and ZEAL. The power of God is invigorating every dry bone, it is reviving the cells and fibers of your very dna. The ruach breath of God is blowing in and upon you, filling every place and space of who you are. The nature of Jesus is in you and the essence of WHO HE is, is flowing through you.

This is a time of true upgrading for you! I hear the word proximity and fortitude!

The CLOSENESS OF JESUS is transformative and the fortitude is the strength of character and in mind!

There will be things you accomplish in the next 6 months that would have taken 2-3 years.


According to, Recomposition is “the action of composing or forming something again or differently.” This is what is coming to the body of Christ.

Jesus is walking through the corridors of you hearts and I see a massive cleaning of the hearts.  Every set back, every delay is being broken and the breaker is breaking everything off that must go. Thank you JESUS.

“For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].” Romans 8:19

I declare you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the Living.  You will taste and see! I declare that dynamic changes are coming forth that will transfigure and transform your lives radically.  The imprint of the true Anointed ONE, JESUS Christ, is marking you!

He is coming for a spotless Bride!

“Manifest your kingdom realm, and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is in heaven.” Matthew‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭TPT

Rachel Emerson

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