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Crystal Wade writes to throw out a lifeline of hope for people to receive connectivity to trust the Father and be internally aligned to relate to Him, and thus receive His relationship and the blessings that naturally flow from Him. She’s the editor of Crystal and her husband Stephen received a commission from the Father to connect the generations to Him and to each other so that they can: Start well. Live well. Recover well. Build well. Finish well. As part of that commission, they release materials to assist people of all ages in connecting to The Perfect Parent.

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Reform Thirty-One! – A Word by Crystal Wade

Crystal Wade

Because I love you. . .and I want your family to be safe, I’m releasing what the Lord directed me to.

It’s time to re-form how we interact with October 31.

I love cute kids’ costumes and candy! Don’t you?

I don’t love death and destruction. Do you?

Random or Strategic?

Things don’t happen randomly as it may feel from watching the news or hearing the stories of others.

Good and bad things happen very intentionally. Seeds are sown to make room for good and/or evil to flourish into larger harvests in time and place.

What happened first, the chicken or the egg?

Beyond “the way you look at things,” which is the standard answer for children, is a standard of truth.

Father initiated everything. Every. Thing.

Time, light, trees, chickens. Everything was created with instant maturity. Father created time, and it flowed on the first day of Creation which is when light (and time) sprang forth at His command.

When we experience a high level of defilement on any thing, it didn’t happen randomly.

Strategically, with plots and plans through generations, time Father created for good has been annexed for evil to flourish.

Father created time. He was here first.

The earliest known dark works of October 31 (there’s a lot of ancient history before this time we don’t know about), which came to have the misnomer Halloween, happened in Ireland. The land of Ireland has the gift of worship. Worship there was strategically hi-jacked as wicked dark priests “worshiped” the Father’s ancient enemy and terrorized the people.

Through their dark works, the spirits of the wicked dead were released at the time of October 31 to cause harm or terror to the living. Thus, the living lit bonfires, and prepared “gifts” for these roaming wicked spirits of the dead as a “treat” so that those spirits, hopefully, would not leave a “trick” for the living.

The Jack o lantern carved pumpkin face was prepared for a particular wicked spirit of the dead, believed to be named Jack. Which name, by the way, is short for John meaning “The Lord is gracious.”

How did this dark time come to be known as Halloween?

After centuries of martyring believers, Rome changed its stance. Emperor Constantine received a vision of a Cross during a battle, and turned to the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, he commanded that Christianity, instead of being a persecuted religion, now be the state religion.

While a great improvement for Christians’ lives, it released a huge ripple effect. This ripple negatively impacted the church. Of course, the “church” flourished as all citizens now joined under threat of fear of death.

Many church leaders and laypeople were Christian in name and pagan in heart and practice. As a result, pagan holidays, such as the dark events of October 31, were merged to the Christian holiday calendar.

All Saints’ Day—a day to remember the saints—was merged by Roman church leadership with October 31, which received the misnomer All Hallow’s Eve.

Over time, that name turned into Halloween.

It’s completely wonderful to remember the faith and lives of the faithful who are now with Father in eternity. It’s not good or right to set aside time in ancestral worship. The name given All Saints ’ Day is El Dia del Muerto, in some Spanish speaking areas. Translated, this means “the day of the dead.”

Whether by attempting to avoid and appease the spirits of the wicked dead let loose in Ireland or celebrating the spirits of the dead in Mexico, October 31 through November 1 have received strategic defilement to time through the generations.

What did Father have in mind in THIS time?

One thing we know—Reformation. It’s time to re-form the way we interact with this time so we can access the blessings Father strategically placed in this time which have been hi-jacked.

On October 31, 1517, in preparation for the church’s All Saint’s Day when a large crowd would assemble in a public place, Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door. The breath of the Holy Spirit blew on that one act from a man who’d consecrated himself to the Father’s service after a near-death experience and used the public forum to SPREAD the word of: FREEDOM and RE-FORM.

We stand, having recently crossed the 500th anniversary of that world-changing moment that released the ripple effects of freedom around the globe as thinking received a re-forming.

In a day where Internet creates a public forum, here is the thesis the Lord Jesus Christ told me to hold up: It’s time to re-form how we interact with October 31 (and November 1) so the Holy Spirit can flow. Where He flows, freedom is released.


Father was here first. His kingdom is based on agape unconditional love and light. He is extending freedom and reform in this time.

However, October 31-November 1 are the “highest” and “most holy” day on the enemy’s calendar. It’s full of darkness with all kinds of horrendous activities going on to steal, kill and destroy.

Which one do you choose?

Well. . . or Well!!!!

“Well, I’m not agreeing with that, I just want the cute kids’ costumes and candy.”

Super! So do I. Let your kids dress up at other times during the year! It’s a great way to develop their creativity and imagination. Just don’t do it at this time, 10-31. Let them have a costume party for their birthday without scary themes or just to play at home. [Note: Be aware of what costumes you purchase and where you purchase them. Some are very defiled and it will affect your children.] Let them have candy—in moderation! Just not the 10-31 candy.

John Ramirez, who formerly worked for Father’s ancient enemy, states the truth—the forces of darkness use the costumes on children at that time as their right to “exchange identity.”

Serious stuff, friends.

“Well, I or my kids will feel left out.”

I get it.

But do you really want to be included at the risk of your family’s safety?

Which Joy?

But we have so many positive memories associated with family and fun on Halloween, we can’t give it up!

Great! Take all those and move them to another time—enjoy your pumpkin coffee, enjoy your family in the cool weather, eat candy in moderation, go on hayrides, enjoy fall, not in “celebration” on this day with the cultural trappings and “decorations,” etc., for the safety of your family both now—and at a later date.

Adrenaline Rush

“Well, we like the thrill and adrenaline rush of fear.”

I hear you—excitement and escape.

But, when the tables are turned, and it’s for real, is that what you want?

Besides, the most thrilling adventure which includes real risk is journeying with King Jesus.


Your children who have strong discernment will be relieved that they’re out of it because they can feel and see the increase of darkness in this time.

Be well! Take your family out of it!

We live in a critical time in history. It’s good, but critical.

If you had a heads up to avoid a place where your family would be harmed, wouldn’t you?

THIS is a heads up.


When you participate or have decorations on your house, your family and your house are marked by the enemy. And those marks will be used to steal, kill and destroy in some way, at some time, because that’s what the enemy does (they can be removed, though).

When we mark our homes with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and communion, our homes are spiritually marked for His presence and His angels. It’s a physical act that brings spiritual protection.

When homes are marked with the decorations of Halloween including the culture of death it celebrates, that physical act is releasing a spiritual welcome mat—and it is for the enemy and his workers, not for Christ.

Real Time

Several years ago when we were on church staff in youth ministry, a couple of our students were out on Halloween, and two were injured and traumatized, one ending up in ER. They were out on other nights too, but in that time frame, there was room for evil to come near them. There is anincrease of wickedness let loose in this time that is really there. We don’t want to welcome it, mark our homes, participate in it, or be involved in it in any way—if we want our homes and families safe.

Time to Reform Thirty-One!

Father was here first in THIS time. What treasure was so amazingly good that the enemy created this whole Ponzi scheme to expand and attempt to take over so that hopefully Creation would be overwhelmed with death instead of blessed with the LIFE that FATHER placed there?

Let’s start to find out

Beloved Church! The Reformation is so much bigger than Harvest Festivals that offer an alternative for Halloween activities.

What would happen if, Beloved Church, you’d put the effort of a Sunday service or Christmas cantata into a celebration for KING JESUS CHRIST on 10-31, preparing the time in prayer by the intercessors, and in the presence of that worship, and welcome your prophets and healers to come and be available for prayer and healing and prophesy for people in the context of the worship of KING JESUS?

OR take all that effort and make it a local mission trip. Set up with all that preparation close to a place where people congregate on this time—as the Holy Spirit specifically leads your group.

What will happen?

We’ll begin to connect back with that gargantuan blessing Father placed in that time which has been strategically defiled. It’ll speed us forward to look like, as normative, the church of Acts where healings, miracles, signs and wonders accompany those who preach the Word.

Last but not least, or maybe BECAUSE OF, we won’t have to compete with the world’s celebrations for the children. They want to come to Jesus!

It’s time to re-form the way we interact with this time so we can access the blessings Father strategically placed in this time which gives the Holy Spirit room to flow and release freedom!


What I am hearing the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ say:

“Worship and welcome Me.”

Even so, come Lord Jesus Christ, come.

Would you join with me in praying for Father’s time and timing to be aligned on earth as in Heaven, especially as we move through the month of October?

Prayer Response

(pray and apply this for yourself and your immediate family: spouse, children, grandchildren, etc.)

Father, thank You for the amazing provision of Your blessing of time. Thank You for the protection of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please blind the eyes of the enemy and deafen their ears as You hide me in the secret place.

I confess, reject and renounce every personal and generational participation that I and my family have had in Halloween or any other day used for dark purposes together with every word, thought and action we did and every connection and agreement with darkness and every mark we received to our family, home, etc. Please separate me from these on every level and in every generation to Adam. I release every fear and darkness within that came as a result to You at the cross. Separate me from all this and destroy it at the Cross. Saturate me in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to the core to Adam. Sprinkle Your blood on my conscience to the core to Adam.

I shut every door and gate I and my family opened personally and generationally to the enemy to the core to Adam. I dedicate the doors and gates in me to You to the core to Adam. Saturate them with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lift up and open up, come in King of Glory, strong and mighty, mighty in battle. Again, lift up and open up, come in King of Glory, strong and mighty, mighty in battle. Saturate every wound and memory in me with Your resurrection power, love, life, and light to the core to Adam. Wash me with Your water to the core to Adam. Separate me from everything that’s not of You, and deal with it, Father.

I give You all these places in me to rule and reign, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Rebuild, restore, and do much more. Father, take Your big sword and separate my soul and spirit, joint and marrow, severing me from every trauma bond, wrongful and deceptive tie to land, air, water, time, place space or dimension, people, places, things, memories, demons, unclean spirits and celestial beings, and Adonai Kadesh (Lord Sanctify/separate) me to Yourself. Please download Your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to my core. Seal it by the power of Your Holy Spirit, and rearguard and seal me and my family, and this complete work, with Your glory in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

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