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Dionne White is a Prophetic Artist, Author, Minister and Teacher who has a passion to see people awakened to their identity and righteousness in Christ, living out life transformed as God intended. With twenty five years in spirit filled ministry she is a seasoned intercessor and develops others in the way of the Spirit filled life and prophetic ministry. Dionne also develops content for kingdom creatives helping them to become artists of purpose for the glory of God and to care for the soul of culture around them. Her ministry is based in the Isaiah 61 prophecy and she has a mandate from the Lord to “Blaze a path to peace for others.” Dionne is married 22 years to Will and they have two beautiful children, Asher and Anna who are both serving the Lord with their hearts, gifts and talents. Dionne is a NE Ohio native but her family now resides in Anderson, South Carolina. Website:

Resurrection is in the Air! From the Red Sea to Resurrection! – A Word by Dionne White

Dionne White


Resurrection Prayers are manifesting!

From the Red Sea to Resurrection! From 1111 to 111 and 333.

A full circle resurrection season! From death to burial to life!

In January of 2021 I kept seeing a vision in prayer of the red sea parting but when I saw it the waters contained every color of the rainbow and the light of glory was so bright on the other side, it was blinding. This impacted my spirit over and over so I chose to paint this as a prophetic promise that we, as a body and a nation, would be “going through the sea” on dry land escaping from our enemies, leaving them left to be swallowed up by the waters. That is of course a prophetic picture of a supernatural deliverance. I was calling God’s heart and destiny forth by painting this “parting”! In the process of the painting, I was being led to read the story of the exodus from Egypt and the trek to cross through the Red Sea into the search for the promise land. The body of Christ and the nations around the globe need a deliverance and resurrection now more than ever. As we know many, including myself, have been seeing the number 1111 and 111 in the last several years. Mine started back in 2015 to be exact. I began seeing multiple different number sequences like 1212, 222, 333, 444, 414, 555, 515, 50, 5050, 1010, 1111 and 111.

We know that 1111 can represent transition and chaos and comes before 1212, God’s perfect Government or perfect governing in our own personal lives. I remained in hopes that His perfect government would be established even though we would have to walk through the shadow of death…we fear no evil for He is with us!(Psalm 23).

2021 came and went and so many made “the transition and trek” including our family, moving across states and some even nations! God was no doubt deploying and putting in place His end time army. At the turn of 2022 I did as I always have before at the beginning of the year, and I did an act of surrender of all that was in my hands and on my heart. I always ask Him to show me what can stay, what needs to go and what needs to be put aside. It is a practice of reprioritizing so that I start the year off right. In recent years the Holy Spirit actually had me begin this practice months prior that would be more in line with the Jewish calendar of their civil year, but this year was different because our whole life had been in upheaval and transition. It felt right to do it at the turn of the new year according to the Gregorian calendar. At this time, I began to feel this strong internal pull from the Holy Spirit to “come away” and retreat with Him to get direction for 2022. He was calling me and many others back to a place we call “the garden,” making His presence priority once again. Although this time the call seemed different as I personally approached my garden season. He was asking me to surrender all, everything I had created, built, and strived to do for Him. I had an image come to me as I prophetically extended my hands in front of me, and I saw all my “things” in the form of seeds in my hands. I wept as I gave them to the Lord with an uncertainty but yet trusting Him. I saw Him take each one and bury them in the soil. I prayed and gave Him permission to resurrect what He wanted to resurrect or allow the “seed to die” and stay dead if it was not meant to return. I surrendered and released my seeds to Him and waited. I waited on Him, trusting, watching, and praying. I began to pray bold “Resurrection Prayers!”

Prior to this surrendering season I was driving one day and heard the Holy Spirit say, “Pray resurrection prayers.” I saw a garden bed full of debris of dead things and saw a wind blowing. I heard “clear away the dead things.” I knew this went right along with the surrendering and burial of my seeds, allowing things to die and rise again! So, I began praying bold resurrection prayers. During this season I came under a vicious spiritual attack on my prophetic voice, mind, creativity, and body. I could feel the fight to keep me down and take me out, but the Holy Spirit would not let me give up. With the prayers of family and friends I persevered by the power of the Holy Spirit. I kept praying “raise me again, raise me again, raise me again!” You’ve done it before God, and I believe you can do it again! RAISE ME BACK TO LIFE FOR YOUR GLORY!” 

I’m here to tell you He did!

The week of June 6th something shifted. I was in and out of a battle of the mind. It was a relentless attack on my mind and body, but I was determined that it would not take me out! I began to feel a reprieve from the onslaught of warfare, and I could see hope on the horizon. I began to feel that stirring inside! You know that stirring that only comes from the power of the risen Lord! When I woke the morning of June 9th, I could feel the atmosphere was different and my mind was clear. I had seen where the enemy had come in to sabotage my soul, my body, my gifting, and my assignments. Then He showed me that this was not an isolated situation, but an assignment sent out to immobilize and traumatize the body of Christ, especially the prophetic voices of God! The enemy had been exposed and I heard the Lord say, “RESURRECTION IS IN THE AIR! I NEED TO RESURRECT YOU BECAUSE I HAVE PLANS FOR YOU!” 

After hearing the rhema voice of God in that moment I felt a fire and energy shoot through me, and it ignited me to fight for the fulfillment of the resurrection and His plans for me. I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement to put Satan under my feet! He had tried to sabotage every area where I connected with and heard from God. He had attempted to shut down my creativity where I hear from God and released heaven and prophetic destiny. He had attempted to shut down my mind, stealing my peace and attack me in the silence where I connected with God in solitude and prayer. He had attempted to shut down my physical body again and keep me from resting, moving, exercising and praying in tongues. This was a crucial place of connection because I would pray the perfect prayer and will of God, releasing TRUTH into the atmosphere. But Satan was found out and we know what it says about a thief!

Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house. Proverbs 6:21

I am here today to tell you that RESURRECTION IS IN THE AIR AND HE HAS PLANS FOR YOU! 

I declare that we have gone through, crossed over, died, been buried and are being raised again! We are made ALIVE IN CHRIST JESUS according to Ephesians chapter 2. I prophesy by the spirit of prophecy that the chaos, confusion and transition (1111) is coming to a completion for many and now we will experience “111” the divine unity and aligning of God for our lives. The perfect government or governing of God has come into our personal lives (1212) and we are seeing it manifest in divine alignments, open door assignments, favor and expansion of territory both personally and in the body Christ as a whole! And in this many of us have experienced a type of prophetic death, burial and resurrection of a full circle cycle or divine completion, which is represented in the number 3 or 333. It is Resurrection Season! Resurrection prayers are manifesting! We have seeded and seeded and seeded the ground with resurrection prayers and I declare the fruit of them is coming up! As we have made the garden of His presence our priority we are seeing the fruit of it now. 

We have surrendered, we have been buried and now He is raising many of us back to life just like the seeds I prophetically released to Him. I prophesy life and life abundant to your bodies, to your ministry, to your business, to your families, to your writing, to your art, to your music, to your dance, to your voice! Whatever needs resurrected speak to it! I say open up your mouth and boldly pray and declare His truth! Speak to your situation! Speak to your soul and prophesy that it will be whole and healed! Tell it to line up with the perfect will and divine word of God. Take communion and appropriate the blood of Jesus over your heart, mind, and bodies. Declare the covenant promises of Psalm 103 that He will bring you out of the pit, healing all your diseases, crowning you with loving kindness and tender mercies, satisfying your mouth with good things, and renewing your youth like the eagles! These promises are for you, and they are yes and amen. I charge you today to PRAY BOLD RESURRECTION PRAYERS For resurrection is in the air! 

Can you feel it? It is stirring and it is time because He has plans for you! He must raise us up because we have not fulfilled the plans He has for us yet. Listen, hear what the Spirit has to say today. HE HAS PLANS FOR YOU! HE IS NOT DONE WITH YOU YET! Let your spirit hear this and may your soul, body and circumstances follow suit and come into perfect divine alignment! 



Dionne White


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