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Jennifer Butler is a Mother of two Kingdom warriors of the gospel, J’zpar, aged 7 and J’myson, aged 11, who live together in Central Virginia. As a laid down lover of Christ she has followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and journaled her adventures with her boys as they have grown together in Christ. She has been an active evangelist, revivalist, teacher, speaker and intercessor. PioneerRemnant Ministries is a 508c1a and was birthed in Jennifer’s heart, as the vision was written down and made plain she surrendered it all to God. As an open hand ministry, God has led the ministry in every capacity and the expansion of this Kingdom work has come through dedication, perseverance, prayer and intercession.

Shift Into High Gear – A Word by Jennifer Butler

Jennifer Butler

Email: PioneerRemnantMinistrie[email protected]

Awakened this morning, not as early as usual, yet at the 8th hour, I heard these words “Just like that, I will move on the nation and by My righteous right hand I will remove wickedness in high places. I am redeeming the time! I have heard the cries of desperation. I have ruled it so in the Heavens, so be it in the earth!”

God is moving on the behalf of our nation, we will start to see even more the evidence of His Spirit moving on the behalf of His Children. There will be many that have been awakened that will stand for freedom. There will be liberty and justice for all.

The press has brought forth the oil, the crushing has brought forth the wine, the pruning has allowed for the fruit to be multiplied.

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