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Shifting Atmospheres
A Word by Autumn Dawson 
Recently, in a time of prayer, I saw a prophetic vision of a large snake with a large head. I could see that it was purposefully moving towards something. Then, all of a sudden there was an invisible force that caused the snake to start backing up. Then I was able to see a glass box that was keeping the snake from moving forward. The vision shifted and the snake became trapped under the glass box and it was unable to strike.
I believe that the snake in the vision represents a demonic assignment from the enemy that is being thwarted by our prayers. I believe our prayers are acting like the invisible force and the glass box that kept the snake from moving any further and kept it from striking its target. I believe now more than ever that this is a time for the people of God to rise up and take down the works of the enemy with our prayers. The prayers of the sons and daughters of God shifts atmospheres over families, businesses, and the nation. This vision was a prophetic sign of how powerful our prayers and intercession can become in this hour. God is looking for those who will target their prophetic prayers to take down the attacks of the enemy and advance the Kingdom of God.
Prophetic prayers are powerful! One of the secret weapons of the Kingdom of God is the prophetic word of God wielded as a sword in prayer. Prophetic prayer and intercession is like a trump card to every obstacle that opposes you and your promise. Everything surrounding you may look hopeless, but the reality is actually the exact opposite. You are never hopeless if you have a prophetic promise that you learn to fight within prayer.
Jeremiah 33:3 promises that when we cry out to God, He will answer us and tell us great, unsearchable things that we do not know. In this season, we must utilize the gifts God has given us to attract and open the eyes of unbelievers to our awesome, supernatural God. People are searching for hope and counting on us to rise up and take down the enemy with our prayers. Prayer creates an atmosphere for miracles and shifts our perspective so we begin to view our normal everyday tasks as purposeful assignments. You can change the world from your living room or your kitchen table when you choose to shift the atmosphere with your prayers. Set aside time to pray in this season. Target your prayers with prophecy. Gather your family together and pray together. Our children will remember what it was like to hear their parents pray bold prayers in the midst of such difficult times. God will use our prayers to turn the tide on what is happening in the world. Prophetic prayers are a supernatural tool to save lives and reach the harvest.
I believe it is time for the church to return to the place of prayer and shift the atmosphere. We need to activate God’s promise to us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, I will hear from Heaven and heal their land.” We need healing in our homes, families, and churches and I believe the answer is prayer. Pray passionate prayers of faith in this season. Pray atmosphere shifting prayers and watch the enemy be taken down and the Kingdom of God be advanced in this hour.