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Some Truth For Pioneers & Dreamers In This Season – A Word by Nate Johnston

Nate Johnston

Email: [email protected]

A few weeks ago I kept hearing the Lord say “Strike while the iron is hot!” And I felt this was an instruction but also revealed the season we are in.

For those carrying dreams and purpose -it’s not a time to sit waiting and hoping somehow what you are carrying will reveal themselves – it’s a time to steward them and pay them attention.

This isn’t a time to survive but to thrive.

The unknown you are seeing isn’t your prison – it’s your opportunity.

This is your time to build, create, and launch, not shut down, give up, and hide.

It’s not a time to focus on what is ending and what isn’t working anymore but what is beginning and what has a fresh wind on it.

Your backlog of unfulfilled dreams and ventures that haven’t been launched aren’t a sign of barrenness but that you are about to have a multiplied harvest.

You aren’t creatively blocked like you think nor have you lost your anointing, you just can’t run on the fuel you used to.

The discontent and dissatisfaction you are feeling is only telling you that you are breaking new ground.

The warfare and resistance is just the enemy scared that you have never been closer to the bullseye in your life.

The attack on your nights, your sleep, and your dreams are a major sign that you are in a RECEIVING DOWNLOADS season. You will get your nights back and you will pick up what God is trying to get to you.

The pandemic didn’t defeat you and the storm didn’t take you out and now you are going to make up for lost time and launch into what has looked impossible.

You don’t have to wait til your ducks are in a row.. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Holy Spirit is equal partner in this adventure.

It’s a time to see what has been sitting and collecting dust finally catch the wind and manifest.

It’s time for pages of hour notebooks and journals to meet the light of day and be written for the world to see.

It’s time to BUILD what you have been seeing and not sit on it another day.

It’s time to break past all limitations and refuse to do another season in bondage when you could be creating with God.

This is your assignment and this is the tension you are living in – you weren’t called to dream and birth according to the climate around you but according to the kingdom inside you.

The new thing is your forte, the never before seen thing is your baby, and those crazy expressions, topics, themes, and language is what you have been given to broadcast to the world.

So pick up your pen, pick up hour hammer and let’s go!

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