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Dr. Bob Allen is a prophet and does the work of an evangelist, serving the Lord the last 48 years. An author, Bob recently published an autobiography Power, War and Love from Amazon (Print and Kindle).

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The Wall And The Glory – A Word by Dr. Bob Allen

Dr. Bob Allen

Email: [email protected]

In a night vision, the Lord took me to a warehouse that had been used for a Tuesday evening ministry for a few years. I had been attending, and it was very pure spiritual work, and I could never find a problem with it. The leadership was exceptionally good.

In the vision, the warehouse building was completely empty, with not one chair left. I knew the Lord was telling me that it was finished. The couple who had started the work was relocating to another state. Although the ministry tried to hang on, I knew within my spirit the ministry had ended.

My attention was then drawn to one long wall the length of the building. As I walked over to it, I noticed that it had just been framed out. I saw one 2×4 that still had bark on it. As I began to look at the other 2x4s, I noticed there was not one good one among them. The rest of them were twisted, knottier, warped, dingy color, or were odd-shaped. I thought to myself, a carpenter would not use one of these 2x4s. Then as I kept staring at the wall, I realized that the framework was perfect. I wondered, ‘Who in the world would use these awful 2x4s, yet make such a perfect framework?’

I remembered that the ministry put a lot of emphasis on worshiping the Lord Jesus and ministering to hurting people, and not as much on teaching or preaching. The Lord Jesus was showing me the conditions of some of the lives that came through that workshop and how He had taken their lives and framed them into a perfect work fit for the work of the ministry

I then walked to the end of the wall where I saw a roll-up door where a truck would back in and unload. I stood in the doorway looking out and I saw the glory of God. That is all I could see, there was no Heaven and no Earth. I did not see one physical thing, only the glory of God. It was as if the whole world was His glory. I was staring at it, amazed, and wondering what and why I was seeing this. I would go back and forth looking at the framework on that wall, then stand in the doorway staring out at the glory of God.

Then, all at once, my own Bible came floating down in the glory and stopped about 40 or 50 feet above me. It was just hanging in the glory and seemed like the only thing that existed. My Bible was spread open, and I saw the red words of Jesus. Both sides of the pages were 100 percent red. I was puzzled, not knowing what to think.

I then noticed my own Bible cover. I could see my Bible within my Bible cover hanging in the glory of God. I thought, ‘Wow, the Lord even knows my Bible cover!’ I was watching and trying my best to understand it all as I was picked up and carried through the glory up to my Bible; then I just folded into the pages of the red Words of the Lord Jesus. I disappeared into His Word and the Word closed in around me. I vanished. Only the Word remained visible. I had become one with the Word. Without a doubt, this will make one think. I had become one with the Word in Him, which is Spirit and life.

Lord Jesus wants me to reassure you of your place in Him. Today more than at any other time in history, we are living in a fast, falling world. The devil has his demons working hard at killing, stealing, and destroying everything that we believe in and stand for. The Church has had 2,000 years to get ready and yet it never seems to be ready. We are always waiting for a new move or a fresh outpouring. We think to ourselves that we need more power, or this gift, but Jesus is saying, “I have given you My glory, so you are ready. It is now time to harvest My fields.”

No matter what kind of shape you think your life is in, when the Lord Jesus puts His hands on you, He refines you up and fits you right in. The Lord Jesus is not only our Head, but He is also the Cornerstone, our Security, and the Rock of our foundation. He is our Builder and our Teacher.

Those who still had bark on them had very little experience, but it did not seem to matter. Maybe your life has not been where it should be or where you want it to be. The Lord can still frame you into a beautiful work fit for the Master’s table, even when you think you do not belong.

I perceived this so clearly through the vision. We must run with what we have now, or we will get run over by the wicked one. Our enemy is running full speed ahead! Friends, if you have the Word of the Master and the power of His Spirit in you, and you still think you are not ready to serve or help the hurting world, then maybe you’ve become a Christian coward. You see, the devil is good at keeping you in limbo. He knows that if you were to find out that you are ready to serve the Master, it would hurt him.

Jesus said, “I am the true vine.” (John 15:1) The true vine will always produce everything needed for the branch to produce good fruit in abundance. “I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Yet the vine cannot bear fruit, only the branch can, which is you. All the fruit that builds and nourishes the Kingdom, all the fruit that feeds the Lord’s lambs, must come forth from your lips.

We are the branches; we produce the fruit. We cannot bear fruit apart from Jesus who is the vine.

You are ready because the Master Framer has worked you into the Vine. Get yourself moving, for the Spirit of God cannot lead anyone who will not move!

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