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Deborah Perkins is a seasoned prophetic writer, teacher, and Christian leader with more than 35 years of ministry experience across denominations. Her passion is to communicate God’s heart to his people, empowering them to build the kingdom of God.

The Wind of the Lord’s Breath is Blowing Upon His Bride! 

A Word by Deborah Perkins 


April 11, 2020


As I listened to the Lord in stillness last night, I was taken into a vision. I entered into a place of bridal intimacy in the Spirit: the place of a “laid down life” before the heavenly Bridegroom. I was filled with a longing for His love, His touch, and His Presence. 


I saw the Lord approach His Bride, turning her face toward His and “kissing” her in the Spirit. At the same time, He blew away with His breath a misty fog that had recently  surrounded her. 


I realized that there had been a thin vapor of fog encircling the Bride’s head and clouding her eyes, but He blew it away easily with His gentle breath. The fog represented the lies and unbelief that had hindered the Bride from seeing Him clearly.


He reminded me that the first thing the Bride sees when her veil is lifted at a wedding is the face of her Bridegroom, receiving His kiss. 


I rested for a while in this place of complete peace and intimacy. It was a “shalom” pause in the Spirit, a place of deep contentedness and rest. 


Then I heard the sound of a clap in the Spirit – a breaking open of something in the heavenly realm which caused everything to shake. This noise was followed by the release of a mighty rushing wind. 


As I looked, I saw something like the four winds of heaven being released over the earth, and I knew that this wind was meant to fill the corporate Bride of Christ. I understood that the wind was the very breath of the Bridegroom’s mouth, sent to fill empty vessels and cause them to speak, to prophesy after being filled completely with Him. 


I saw this resurrection-breath-wind being blown into the mouths and entire beings of the Bride worldwide. It filled her with the life-giving words of His Presence so that she, in turn, breathed life into others through her prophesying! These winds were blowing and I knew that the sound of things shaking loose would happen first, before the prophesying and the release of those sweeping winds in the Spirit. 


I heard the Bride cry, “Awake, O winds! Come blow on my garden! Let my Beloved come!” (SS 4:16). I felt the Lord’s desire to BREATHE life into His bridal “gardens” around the world: those laid-down lovers of Him who walk in the secret places of their own gardens and receive the breath of His lips upon theirs. 


I heard the Spirit say that this intimacy with the Lord will produce a great documentation in the earth of the soon and coming return of the Bridegroom, whose voice the Bride has heard. She will speak and write of His love for her in the secret places of her gardens, and others will be swept off their feet by the winds of her own proclamations. 


The ability of this breath of the Lord to reproduce must not be minimized; like oxygen, the Breath of the Bridegroom creates, nurtures, and sustains. This breath is not confined to His words alone, for it was not the sound of the Bridegroom’s voice at this time, but the breath of His mouth that made such an impact on the Bride: His nearness, His longing, His energy overshadowing her and causing her to tremble and shudder in His Presence! 


Being filled with His breath, the Bride released the sound, prophesying the Lord’s life over various situations and devastations. She released the winds of His love over the earth to cause a great shifting, a great shaking, and a great return to the Bridegroom Himself. 



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