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Kenyan Dillard is the Visionary of Intercessors NEED Intercessors, LLC. This ministry is providing Intercessors and people of prayer a safe place to learn about various topics of prayer through teaching online. As the Lord leads she and her husband (Kenneth) hosts gatherings where Intercessors can come and be refreshed in the presence of the Lord. You can find more information at

There shall be another performance! – A Word by Kenyan Dillard

Kenyan Dillard

Email: intercessorsneedinterce[email protected]

Jeremiah 1:12

Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”

I was walking out of the building at work and as I looked up a truck was driving down the street. On the side of the truck was the word ENCORE in bluish purple and orange colors.

My immediate response was laughter and instantly I said out loud, THERE SHALL BE A PERFORMANCE…LORD THERE SHALL BE ANOTHER PERFORMANCE OF YOUR WORD!

Encore is defined as another performance! In creative arts and concerts, the crowd begins to scream out encore, encore and that signals to the band or whoever to come and perform again! May I declare and decree to you that as you begin to praise Him for what He has already performed, the Lord will perform it again!

What has God done that you need Him to do again? Well get ready, for their shall be another performance, their shall be an ENCORE!

Special Note from Spirit Fuel: This platform is good soil. We are working hard everyday, full time to add more readers so they too can be blessed. If you are being led, sow into this good soil today and watch God move on your behalf! Obedience is always blessed.

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