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Angie Stolba resides in the Midwest with her husband and best friend, Jeff, and their three daughters. Her highest calling as an individual, wife, and mother, is living as a truly free, whole, empowered, and confident woman of God. Angie’s heart is to see the Bride of Christ healed, restored, and walking in eternal freedom. She’s a writer, speaker, and teacher, whose passion is God’s Word. She shares her testimony at every opportunity to women and teens. Dealing with the Root of Rejection is Angie’s first book. Her second book is underway. Angie’s full bio can be found on:

When You Least Expect It: A Time of the Lord’s Goodness and Favor – A Word by Angie Stolba

Angie Stolba

Email: [email protected]

“Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?” says your God.


While spending time in the Lord’s presence, I heard Him say, “When you least expect it…” As I pressed in further regarding this, I sensed the Lord saying, “Expect to see My goodness when you least expect it. Do not lose hope, for even long-awaited promises will be fulfilled.”

I want to encourage you that even amidst the challenging circumstances we are facing — both individually and as a nation — God has a plan, and He is working behind the scenes. He is the One who takes what the enemy intended for harm and destruction and turns it for good (Genesis 50:20). You can see this pattern all throughout history. We can see how the Lord caused Joseph to prosper amidst a great famine. Even in what looked like devastating circumstances, He brought restoration to Joseph — even in his personal family relationships. Joseph’s brothers, the very ones who betrayed him and sought to destroy him, were reconciled with him in the end. We see the Lord at work when He delivered the children of Israel while they were being pursued by Pharaoh’s army. He parted the Red Sea, literally making a way for the people where there seemed to be no way. Our God remains the same; if He did it for them, He can surely do it again.

Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

EXODUS 14:13-14

This is the time to get your hopes up, regardless of how things may appear in the natural. About six months ago, my husband and I took a step of faith and moved to a new area. As the Bible instructs, we prayed and sought godly counsel before making the move, and the Lord confirmed to us in amazing and miraculous ways that this move was what He had in store for us. To some, picking up everything and moving to a new place may seem like a great — or even foolish — risk. Yet in the risk, we have seen and are continuing to see great reward. Prophetic words that we have held dear in our hearts, and even ones we’ve written down and dated from decades ago, are now coming to pass.

We are truly living in exciting times, and there will be a great harvest. Jesus will get His reward. Be encouraged and know that you will see and experience God’s goodness and favor when you may least expect it. He is working all things together for our good, and the time of breakthrough and harvest is now!

I remain confident of this:

I will see the goodness of the Lord

in the land of the living.

PSALM 27:13