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Candace is a wife, mother to 5, pastor, and counselor. She has personally walked through tremendous trials, abuse, and loss. She carries the overcoming anointing and imparts and teaches it to others all across the world through her preaching, and counseling ministry. Her and her husband’s heart are to see families healed and restored. They are pioneering a healing ministry which includes wildernesses retreats, healing nights and much more.


You Are About to Bloom! – A Word by Candace Roberts

Candace Roberts


These beautiful flowers just bloomed in our new backyard. They caught me off guard and surprised me. For one, I’m no flower/tree expert, I had no idea what kind of flowers If any this type of tree produced. Second, the trees they bloomed on appeared to be way over pruned. I wasn’t sure if anything would ever grown on them again.


To give you a little background, the last 8 years has been hard. A long winters night doesn’t even begin to describe the pain, loss, and seemingly never ending trauma.


I’ve moved 7 times in those eight years. The last move was honestly the hardest. I thought I was where I was supposed to be. Somewhere I loved, somewhere so much better than I had ever been.

The change was sudden and unexpected. I had to wrestle with my heart, mind and soul to give in and trust that where He was taking me was better than what He was calling me to leave behind. In the midst of it, it felt unjust and unfair. It seemed stressful and out of time, like I was being forced to give up something that was supposed to be mine.

When I looked up and saw these blooms today, I saw unexpected fruit, promised beauty in the midst of the pain and wonder.

When He calls us somewhere new, we don’t yet have the full picture of what will bloom. We can’t fathom the beauty that will come from surrender and trusting to go where He leads.

The pruning can at times feel so intense we feel there is nothing left of us. That we will never produce fruit or bloom again. But, the season changes and low and behold beauty springs forth.

In His garden there is no way to predict what trees will produce which fruit, only that it will be exactly what we need.

These pure white flowers reminded of His beautiful promise to remain faithful even in the midst of pain.

Sometimes the wilderness lingers on, promises and dreams seem far off and we strain to see the promise land.

But in every new place, in every new season, there will be unexpected beauty. Unexpected fruit and moments that sustain. Leaving the old can be scary and painful, but the possibilities alone are enough to remain hopeful. We may be content with what we Have, but He has something more than we can imagine.

No matter how long or hard your wilderness season has been, no matter what you’ve had to leave behind, there is a surprise about to bloom!

Wait for it, winter will not last forever. The new horizon holds a new beauty you cannot yet fathom, but soon you will.

Though pain last through the night, joy comes in the morning.

For there is a season for everything under the sun. Surely your season has come! Let the beauty of the unexpected overwhelm you. Let surprise feed your wonder. Lean into His beautiful mystery and watch your promises bloom!

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