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Laurie Beckham has a heart to see sons and daughters come into their identity in Christ and fulfill their God given destiny. Through prophetic insight, the revelatory and seer gifts, Laurie releases the heart of the Father. Through her voice, writing and testimony, she encourages others and brings hope to those in need.  Website:

You Are Going From Transition To Promises Fulfilled – A Word by Laurie Beckham

Laurie Beckham


A word from the Lord

In praying into a dream I received a while back, I heard God say, “MY PEOPLE ARE GOING FROM TRANSITION TO PROMISES FULFILLED.”

God has been speaking to me through numbers and many revelations lately all in a similar theme. I have been seeing the numbers 11:11 on multiple occasions in the past couple of months and the frequency has increased to multiple times daily. He’s even been getting my daughters attention as well. She’s been calling it out each time she sees these numbers highlighted. We have recently started seeing the number 111 too. The number 11:11 represents TRANSITION, as well as OPEN DOORS. The number 111 is related to FAITH in THINGS HOPED FOR and amazingly enough, it refers to a great INCREASE of BLESSINGS and PROMISES FULFILLED. (Hebrew 11:1 and Deuteronomy 1:11).

This has been such a crucial time of fasting, praying and seeking the Lord for guidance and direction moving forward for so many in the body of Christ. This word is confirmation that He is shifting many of you to join the remnant girded in the FEAR OF THE LORD to release the FIRE OF GOD, a spirit of UNITY and CHANGE in this era.

The numbers 444 have also been highlighted over the past month, which represents the frequency of Heaven. This is confirmation that Holy Spirit is getting our attention through signs to lead us into a posture of RELYING solely on HIM for direction. Recently, both my daughter and I saw 222, 333, 444, and 555 all in the same day. Father God is pouring out HIS GRACE on us to advance HIS KINGDOM.

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed”. – Romans 13:11 NKJV

In praying into this all and what God is speaking, He brought me to a prophetic dream regarding transition I had a while back that I had been praying into since.

In the dream, my daughter and I had moved to a new place. We were starting off new and leaving what was familiar behind. The place was a small cottage or lake house. As we were unloading the car and unpacking throughout the day, we saw a few of the neighbors pass by.

At one point we were putting our stuff away in the kitchen and realized that we were going to need to put some work into this place to make it more personal and functional for us. I got the sense that we would not be there long, but this was a temporary place throughout the process of finding the place that we would call home. We then retreated to a cozy large pull out bed in the middle of the living room. It was one of the best night’s sleep we had in a long time.

I woke in the morning to a knocking on the sliding glass door in front of where we were sleeping. I got up and looked and saw a man with a brown paper back in his hand and a young boy standing with him waiting for me to open the door and greet them.

I was a bit embarrassed, as I had just woke up and was still in my pajamas. I put on my robe and opened the door and greeted them both. They welcomed us to the area and asked where we were from. He then gave me the brown paper bag which had a ball of dough he prepared for us to bake FRESH BREAD. There were even baking instructions included. I thanked him and they left. I went to the kitchen and put the bread dough on the counter.

I then heard a knock on the kitchen door. I opened it and there was a man standing there. He also introduced himself and welcomed us. He had a brown paper bag as well, but with only a single piece of BREAD. It seemed to be a LEFT OVER roll from his dinner the previous night. I had a different feeling with this visitor compared to the first neighborly visit. He did not seem genuine at all and was quite pushy in his demeanor and only talked about himself.

Before we focus on promises and advancing His Kingdom, we must understand that the BREAD comes before any of it. There are many scriptures about bread and Jesus tells us that HE is the bread of LIFE and our sustenance throughout this life on earth.

“I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” – John 6:51 NKJV

I prayed into this dream and it’s significance and feel that the Lord is highlighting the transition process on multiple levels for many including assignments, relocations, churches, jobs, relationships and more.

With this year being the year of the OPEN DOOR, I am here to encourage you through this dream to pay attention to His details and instructions with regard to these new moves and opportunities ahead. This will be a time where as we move forward into our new season, we will need to be cautious as to who we allow access to. We are in a time where the counterfeits have been sent by the enemy to sow tares, to distract us, to try and get us to settle for the the stale bread, the after thought, the left overs.

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” – Galatians 6:9 NKJV

It is key to stay in alignment with GOD and test the spirits and use discernment as we move forward. In the dream the first neighbor was a kind man, with a child, whom brought dough to bake a loaf of fresh bread. The second neighbor used the side door/back door, he lacked manners, he only gave the left over bread. With discernment, I was able to detect this was the counterfeit with wrong motives trying to enter the scene. I immediately knew to GUARD MY HEART and to watch carefully as the enemy was trying to creep in to our new season as fast as we stepped into it.

“My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”. – Psalm 73:26 NKJV

This is a promise from God Himself that He is directing our paths in the transition and that we WILL go from the TRANSITION to PROMISES FULFILLED. So many have grown weary and discouraged, but I’m here to prophesy your transition is ending and you are entering a time where you will have access to many open doors. Look for the GOD doors which are bringing you into greater intimacy with Jesus and His living water and fresh bread. He has been preparing this for quite some time and positioning you for your next. He is showing up for His people in a mighty way with clear direction and confirmation for what’s ahead. I heard Him say, “It is GLORIOUS, come and see for yourselves. I have saved the BEST part just for you. Taste and SEE that I am always GOOD.”

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